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Combining two expressions (Expression)

...ndAlso / OrElse etc to combine logical expressions, but the problem is the parameters; are you working with the same ParameterExpression in expr1 and expr2? If so, it is easier: var body = Expression.AndAlso(expr1.Body, expr2.Body); var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T,bool>>(body, exp...

Using curl to upload POST data with files

I would like to use cURL to not only send data parameters in HTTP POST but to also upload files with specific form name. How should I go about doing that ? ...

Best way of invoking getter by reflection

... // /////////////////////// Getter and Setter Methods /** * @param grade * @param name * @param id * @param gender */ public Student(String grade, String name, String id, String gender) { super(); this.grade = grade; this.name = name; ...

Getting full URL of action in ASP.NET MVC [duplicate]

...o create an anchor element, but it also requires the hostName and fragment parameters. So I'd just opt to use @Url.Action again: <span> Copy <a href='@Url.Action("About", "Home", null, Request.Url.Scheme)'>this link</a> and post it anywhere on the internet! </span> ...

how can I Update top 100 records in sql server

... With that said, SET ROWCOUNT @RowCountParameter; is valid syntax, whereas SELECT TOP @RowCountParamter * FROM TableName is invalid. If you need to configure the rows being updated, SET ROWCOUNT # is currently the better option, provided you do not have child tab...

Create module variables in Ruby

...ariable within the module body. module SomeModule module_function def param; @param end def param= v; @param = v end end SomeModule.param # => nil SomeModule.param = 1 SomeModule.param # => 1 The instance variable @param will then belong to the module SomeModule, which is an instance...

Optional Parameters in Go?

Can Go have optional parameters? Or can I just define two functions with the same name and a different number of arguments? ...

Android equivalent to NSNotificationCenter

...text context, NotificationType notification, HashMap<String, String> params) { Intent intent = new Intent(notification.name()); // insert parameters if needed for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String value ...

What is `params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age)` doing in Rails 4?

All the examples of strong parameters in Rails 4 docs use 2 Answers 2 ...

JavaScript pattern for multiple constructors

...want a function to behave differently depending on the number and types of parameters you pass to it, you'll have to sniff them manually. JavaScript will happily call a function with more or fewer than the declared number of arguments. function foo(a, b) { if (b===undefined) // parameter was om...