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How to get the caller's method name in the called method?

... This seems to work just fine: import sys print sys._getframe().f_back.f_code.co_name share | improve this answer | follow | ...

What's the difference between __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __FUNCTION__, __func__?

What's the difference between __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ , __FUNCTION__ , __func__ , and where are they documented? How do I decide which one to use? ...

Why is __init__() always called after __new__()?

... Use __new__ when you need to control the creation of a new instance. Use __init__ when you need to control initialization of a new instance. __new__ is the first step of instance creation. It's called first, and i...

How can you make a custom keyboard in Android?

...iew android:id="@+id/keyboardview" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" android:focusable="true" ...

Swift equivalent for MIN and MAX macros

... With Swift 5, max(_:_:) and min(_:_:) are part of the Global Numeric Functions. max(_:_:) has the following declaration: func max<T>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> T where T : Comparable You can use it like this with Ints: let maxInt = max(5,...

Is generator.next() visible in Python 3?

... g.next() has been renamed to g.__next__(). The reason for this is consistency: special methods like __init__() and __del__() all have double underscores (or "dunder" in the current vernacular), and .next() was one of the few exceptions to that rule. This w...

Should I use a class or dictionary?

...vantage? What happens if you later want to add some code? Where would your __init__ code go? Classes are for bundling related data (and usually code). Dictionaries are for storing key-value relationships, where usually the keys are all of the same type, and all the values are also of one type. Occ...

What is the GAC in .NET?

... <DIR> GAC 06/17/2009 04:22 PM <DIR> GAC_32 06/17/2009 04:22 PM <DIR> GAC_64 06/17/2009 04:22 PM <DIR> GAC_MSIL ...snip... 0 File(s) 0 bytes 9 Dir(s) 90,538,311,680 bytes free C:\Wi...

Import module from subfolder

...ant to import subfolders as modules. Therefore every subfolder contains a __init__.py . My folder structure is like this: ...

SEH stack 结构探索(1)--- 从 SEH 链的最底层(线程第1个SEH结构)说起 -...

...是什么时候构建的,我在线程启动例程找到答案:ntdll32!_RtlUserThreadStart()里。0:000:x86> uf ntdll32!_Rt...线程的第 1 个 SEH 结构是什么时候构建的,我在线程启动例程找到答案:ntdll32!_RtlUserThreadStart() 里。 0:000:x86> uf ntdll32!_RtlU...