大约有 7,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0131秒) [XML]
Import CSV to mysql table
What is the best/fastest way to upload a csv file into a mysql table? I would like for the first row of data be used as the column names.
PHP/MySQL insert row then get 'id'
$link = mysqli_connect('', 'my_user', 'my_pass', 'my_db');
mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO mytable (1, 2, 3, 'blah')");
$id = mysqli_insert_id($link);
See mysqli_insert_id().
Whatever you do, don't insert and then do a "...
How to get size of mysql database?
How to get size of a mysql database?
Suppose the target database is called "v3".
9 Answers
廉价共享存储解决方案1-drbd+ha+nfs - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
GIT-hash: 833d830e0152d1e457fa7856e71e11248ccf3f70 build by root@db01.mysql.com, 2015-06-24 13:47:15
m:res cs ro ds p mounted fstype
0:r0 Connected Secondary/Secondary Inconsistent/Inconsistent C
ro: 表示主从关系 上面的表示都为从
使用 C++ 处理 JSON 数据交换格式 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
本文并不详细介绍 JSON 本身的细节,旨在讨论如何使用 C++ 语言来处理 JSON。关于 JSON 更具体的信息,可参见 JSON 官网:http://www.json.org。
二、本文选择处理 JSON的 C++ 库
本文选择一个第三方库 jsoncpp 来解析 JSON。...
Remove DEFINER clause from MySQL Dumps
I have a MySQL dump of one of my databases. In it, there are DEFINER clauses which look like,
24 Answers
Dump a mysql database to a plaintext (CSV) backup from the command line
I'd like to avoid mysqldump since that outputs in a form that is only convenient for mysql to read. CSV seems more universal (one file per table is fine). But if there are advantages to mysqldump, I'm all ears. Also, I'd like something I can run from the command line (linux). If that's a mysql s...
Mac OS X - EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found
... I am on the same page as you:
You installed python
You did brew install mysql
You did export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin
And finally, you did pip install MySQL-Python (or pip3 install mysqlclient if using python 3)
If you did all those steps in the same order, and you still got an error, re...
Search for all occurrences of a string in a mysql database [duplicate]
A simple solution would be doing something like this:
mysqldump -u myuser --no-create-info --extended-insert=FALSE databasename | grep -i "<search string>"
HP ILO3 IL 100i DELL IDRAC6 配置总结 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
在WEB页面里输入HTTP://IP 地址 会弹出输入用户名密码的对话框
ILO100默认是没有远程KVM 的需要输入LICENSE 才会出来
注意 i...