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What does a \ (backslash) do in PHP (5.3+)?

What does a \ do in PHP? 4 Answers 4 ...

How does “do something OR DIE()” work in PHP?

I'm writing a php app to access a MySQL database, and on a tutorial, it says something of the form 4 Answers ...

Using PHP with Socket.io

Is it possible to use Sockets.io on the client side and communicate with a PHP based application on the server? Does PHP even support such a 'long-lived connection' way of writing code? ...

Why is require_once so bad to use?

Everything I read about better PHP coding practices keeps saying don't use require_once because of speed. 14 Answers ...

List all the files that ever existed in a Git repository

...ff create A database/migrations/2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.php A database/migrations/2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table.php A database/migrations/2015_05_11_200932_create_boletin_table.php A database/migrations/2015_05_15_133500_create_usuarios_table.php...

How do I load a PHP file into a variable?

I need to load a PHP file into a variable. Like include(); 8 Answers 8 ...

Why a function checking if a string is empty always returns true? [closed]

... '' will return true if you pass is numeric 0 and a few other cases due to PHP's automatic type conversion. You should not use the built-in empty() function for this; see comments and the PHP type comparison tables. share ...

Detecting request type in PHP (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE)

How can I detect which request type was used (GET, POST, PUT or DELETE) in PHP? 13 Answers ...

When do I use the PHP constant “PHP_EOL”?

When is it a good idea to use PHP_EOL ? 19 Answers 19 ...

PHP - include a php file and also send query parameters

I have to show a page from my php script based on certain conditions. I have an if condition and am doing an "include" if the condition is satisfied. ...