大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0489秒) [XML]
PHP: How to send HTTP response code?
...-Code: 404', true, 404);
I recommend the 2nd one. The first does work on all browsers I have tested, but some minor browsers or web crawlers may have a problem with a header line that only contains a colon. The header field name in the 2nd. variant is of course not standardized in any way and coul...
C++ Best way to get integer division and remainder
... experiment with g++ 6.3.0 on x86_64 revealed that with no optimization at all, you get two idivl instructions, but with -O1 or greater, you get one. As the manual says, “Without any optimization option … Statements are independent”.
– Tom Zych
Oct 15 '17...
What JSON library to use in Scala? [closed]
Lift-json is at version 2.6 and it works really well (and is also very well supported, the maintainer is always ready to fix any bugs users may find.
You can find examples using it on the github repository
The maintainer (Joni Freeman) is always reachable on the Lift...
Ruby send vs __send__
I understand the concept of some_instance.send but I'm trying to figure out why you can call this both ways. The Ruby Koans imply that there is some reason beyond providing lots of different ways to do the same thing. Here are the two examples of usage:
NSLog the method name with Objective-C in iPhone
print(__FUNCTION__) // Swift
NSLog(@"%@", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)); // Objective-C
Swift 3 and above
How to document Python code with doxygen [closed]
...on is bad. Comments are for a module maintainer (why and how implemented). All documentation should be in docstrings (how to use).
– jfs
Sep 13 '08 at 21:20
What does the Reflect object do in JavaScript?
ES6 spec, Reflection
MDN Reflect (including details and examples to all of its methods)
Original answer (for (historic) understanding and extra examples):
The Reflection proposal seems to have progressed to the Draft ECMAScript 6 Specification. This document currently outlines the Reflect...
Batch file to delete files older than N days
I am looking for a way to delete all files older than 7 days in a batch file. I've searched around the web, and found some examples with hundreds of lines of code, and others that required installing extra command line utilities to accomplish the task.
Example of multipart/form-data
...6 is two hyphens shorter then the actual boundaries in the data. This is really, really hard to see with all the hyphens strung together.
– Fake Name
Jun 2 '17 at 6:39
How to tell Eclipse Workspace?
...d it shows the name of current workspace.
I tried to confirm
"Actually, this shows the last workspace that was closed, not the current workspace. If you are opening and closing several, this is not dependable."
and I am not able to reproduce it. Each time I get the currently loaded worksp...