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MongoDB and “joins” [duplicate]

I'm sure MongoDB doesn't officially support "joins". What does this mean? 11 Answers 1...

In C, do braces act as a stack frame?

...'t have to generate code that pushes/pops anything on entry/exit (and generally, they don't). Also note that local variables may not use any stack space at all: they could be held in CPU registers or in some other auxiliary storage location, or be optimized away entirely. So, the d array, in theor...

How to Query an NTP Server using C#?

All I need is a way to query an NTP Server using C# to get the Date Time of the NTP Server returned as either a string or as a DateTime . ...

Node.js Logging

...ny library which will help me to handle logging in my Node.Js application? All I want to do is, I want to write all logs into a File and also I need an options like rolling out the file after certain size or date. ...

What is the maximum length of a table name in Oracle?

... It's actually based on the version in the compatible parameter. If you have a 12.2 DB with compatible set to 11.2.0, is still limits you to 30 chars. – rtaft Nov 15 '18 at 15:13 ...

Purpose of Python's __repr__

... __repr__ should return a printable representation of the object, most likely one of the ways possible to create this object. See official documentation here. __repr__ is more for developers while __str__ is for end users. A ...

How do I get PyLint to recognize numpy members?

... I had the same issue here, even with the latest versions of all related packages (astroid 1.3.2, logilab_common 0.63.2, pylon 1.4.0). The following solution worked like a charm: I added numpy to the list of ignored modules by modifying my pylintrc file, in the [TYPECHECK] section: [...

When is the @JsonProperty property used and what is it used for?

... As you know, this is all about serialize and desalinize an object. Suppose there is an object: public class Parameter { public String _name; public String _value; } The serialization of this object is: { "_name": "...", "_value": ".....

How do I recursively delete a directory and its entire contents (files + sub dirs) in PHP?

... This calls is_dir twice for each recursed directory. If the argument is a symlink, it also follows it instead of deleting the symlink, which might or might not be what you want. In any case, it's not what rm -rf does. ...

Where is shared_ptr?

...rking). Simply stating std , tr1 and <memory> is not helping at all! I have downloaded boosts and all but still it doesn't show up! Can someone help me by telling exactly where to find it? ...