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How to install 2 Anacondas (Python 2 and 3) on Mac OS
I'm relatively new in Mac OS. I've just installed XCode (for c++ compiler) and Anaconda with the latest Python 3 (for myself). Now I'm wondering how to install properly second Anaconda (for work) with Python 2?
How far can memory leaks go?
... to accept connections may take minutes to become free, even if properly closed by the program. A networked program may also hold remote resources such as database objects. The remote system should free those resources when the network connection is lost, but it may take even longer than the local o...
How to escape os.system() calls?
When using os.system() it's often necessary to escape filenames and other arguments passed as parameters to commands. How can I do this? Preferably something that would work on multiple operating systems/shells but in particular for bash.
How are everyday machines programmed?
Most of what you're talking about are embedded based systems where C is a luxury often not available. They don't have software in the traditional sense. Most of the time the software is written in C, assembly, or even machin...
Xcode 4 - slow performance
...move the workspace file they can control-click on their xcodeproj file, choose 'show package contents', and then delete or move the .xcworkspace file.
– Erik Asmussen
Jul 8 '11 at 11:53
Is it possible to have a Subversion repository as a Git submodule?
Is there a way to add a Subversion repository as a Git submodule in my Git repository?
6 Answers
Measure time in Linux - time vs clock vs getrusage vs clock_gettime vs gettimeofday vs timespec_get?
... what the relevant properties are that we're looking for. Looking at your post, I suggest:
What time is measured by the clock? (real, user, system, or, hopefully not, wall-clock?)
What is the precision of the clock? (s, ms, µs, or faster?)
After how much time does the clock wrap around? Or is the...
How to remove files and directories quickly via terminal (bash shell) [closed]
...rm -rf.
Also note that what you're learning applies to bash on every Unix OS: OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, etc. In fact, rm's syntax is the same in pretty much every shell on every Unix OS. OS X, under the hood, is really a BSD Unix system.
Parse config files, environment, and command-line arguments, to get a single collection of options
...iguration file parsing ( configparser ), environment variable reading ( os.environ ), and command-line argument parsing ( argparse ). I want to write a program that does all those, and also:
Random hash in Python
I would've used os.urandom because wanting an MD5 hash might mean wanting a secure one.
– Unknown
Jun 11 '09 at 22:58