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How to use CURL via a proxy?

... is a working version with your bugs removed. $url = 'http://dynupdate.no-ip.com/ip.php'; $proxy = ''; //$proxyauth = 'user:password'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxyauth);...

“Keep Me Logged In” - the best approach

...hat they know the algorithm that you used. For example: md5(salt+username+ip+salt) Now, all an attacker needs to do is brute force the "salt" (which isn't really a salt, but more on that later), and he can now generate all the fake tokens he wants with any username for his IP address! But brute-f...

How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it

...er, and in the example I created a custom view that seemed to cater to the IP Address example you give in your original question. With QustomDialog, in order to create a basic dialog (title, message) with a desired different color for the title or divider, you use the following code: private Stri...

What is the difference between active and passive FTP?

.... Thus, to support this mode, not only should your server have to have multiple ports available, your firewall should also allow connections to all those ports to pass through! To mitigate the risks, a good solution would be to specify a range of ports on your server and then to allow only that ran...

Accessing localhost:port from Android emulator

... You can access your host machine with the IP address "". This has been designed in this way by the Android team. So your webserver can perfectly run at localhost and from your Android app you can access it via "<hostport>". If your em...

MySQL connection not working: 2002 No such file or directory

... bound to the use of Unix domain sockets. It is not possible to open a TCP/IP connection using the hostname localhost you must use instead." - php.net/manual/en/mysqli.quickstart.connections.php. So basically something is not working with connecting to the Unix domain sockets that allow lo...

What is the difference between, and localhost?

... is normally the IP address assigned to the "loopback" or local-only interface. This is a "fake" network adapter that can only communicate within the same host. It's often used when you want a network-capable application to only serve clien...

Linux下追踪程序退出(崩溃)思路 - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...加入以下代码: PS1="`whoami`@`hostname`:"'[$PWD]' history USER_IP=`who -u am i 2>/dev/null| awk '{print $NF}'|sed -e 's/[()]//g'` if [ "$USER_IP" = "" ] then USER_IP=`hostname` fi if [ ! -d /tmp/dbasky ] then mkdir /tmp/dbasky chmod 777 /tmp/dbasky fi if [ ! -d /tmp/dbasky/${LO...

phpcms v9与ucenter通信失败 完美解决 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...装路径,视实际情况而定,最后不要带斜线) 应用 IP:(选填,正常情况下留空即可。如果由于域名解析问题导致 UCenter 与该应用通信失败,请尝试设置为该应用所在服务器的 IP 地址。) 通信密钥:(必填,phpcms 的通...

Is GET data also encrypted in HTTPS?

...e url? If so, the statement is wrong. There is no way to hide the hostname/IP address from the ISP/proxy server in the same way you cannot hide the destination address while sending physical mail. – Abhishek Anand Mar 24 '14 at 21:23 ...