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UTF-8 byte[] to String

...ray. I know that I can use the following routine to convert the bytes to a string, but is there a more efficient/smarter way of doing this than just iterating through the bytes and converting each one? ...

Objective-C and Swift URL encoding

I have a NSString like this: 12 Answers 12 ...

Clean code to printf size_t in C++ (or: Nearest equivalent of C99's %z in C++)

...l combine it with IOStreams to get type-safe behavior: size_t foo = bar; ostringstream os; os << foo; printf("%s", os.str().c_str()); It's not super-efficient, but your case above deals with file I/O, so that's your bottleneck, not this string formatting code. ...

Can I embed a custom font in an iPhone application?

...ppFonts key in their Info.plist file. The value of this key is an array of strings identifying the font files in the application’s bundle. When the system sees the key, it loads the specified fonts and makes them available to the application. Once the fonts have been set in the Info.plist, you c...

Find index of last occurrence of a sub-string using T-SQL

...ere a straightforward way of finding the index of the last occurrence of a string using SQL? I am using SQL Server 2000 right now. I basically need the functionality that the .NET System.String.LastIndexOf method provides. A little googling revealed this - Function To Retrieve Last Index - bu...

What differences, if any, between C++03 and C++11 can be detected at run-time?

...isCpp0x() { return (sizeof c::a()) == sizeof(b); } Also, the fact that string literals do not anymore convert to char* bool isCpp0xImpl(...) { return true; } bool isCpp0xImpl(char*) { return false; } bool isCpp0x() { return isCpp0xImpl(""); } I don't know how likely you are to have this work...

NSLog the method name with Objective-C in iPhone

... print(__FUNCTION__) // Swift NSLog(@"%@", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)); // Objective-C Swift 3 and above print(#function) share | improve this answer | ...

windows C++ gbk转为utf-8 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...码转换为linux使用的utf8格式的,否则会出现乱码。 //m_string是windows下的中文字符串 //utf8_string是返回转换为utf8编码的中文字符串 //slen是utf8_string字符数组的大小 int multichar_2_utf8(const char *m_string,char *utf8_string,int slen) { int le...

How to print (using cout) a number in binary form?

... Thanks Jerry, I discovered to_string minutes later. FYI, casting doesn't work, the bitset variable is an object of some really arcane-looking bitset3ul (?!) class. Best to let the abstractions do the work! – nirvanaswap ...

Input from the keyboard in command line application

...out dropping down in to C: My solution is as follows: func input() -> String { var keyboard = NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardInput() var inputData = keyboard.availableData return NSString(data: inputData, encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding)! } More recent versions of Xcode need an ...