大约有 1,742 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0196秒) [XML]


How to exclude property from Json Serialization

...em.Text.Json NuGet package. The package supports: .NET Standard 2.0 and later versions .NET Framework 4.6.1 and later versions .NET Core 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2

How do I create my own URL protocol? (e.g. so://…) [closed]

... This is from .Net 2.0 runtime (note, this included 3.0 and 3.5) timeframe. It didn't support different CLR runtimes in the same process, so if I wrote a 1.0 handler and you wrote a 2.0 one, and both of our products were installed on a customer...

Django Passing Custom Form Parameters to Formset

... Official Document Way Django 2.0: ArticleFormSet = formset_factory(MyArticleForm) formset = ArticleFormSet(form_kwargs={'user': request.user}) https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/topics/forms/formsets/#passing-custom-parameters-to-formset-forms ...

Javascript fuzzy search that makes sense

... hit_count++ if hit_count > 0 return ((2.0 * hit_count) / union) return 0.0 Pass two strings to string_similarity which will return a number between 0 and 1.0 depending on how similar they are. This example uses Lo-Dash Usage Example.... query = 'jenny Jac...

How often should you use git-gc?

... You can do it without any interruption, with the new (Git 2.0 Q2 2014) setting gc.autodetach. See commit 4c4ac4d and commit 9f673f9 (Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy, aka pclouds): gc --auto takes time and can block the user temporarily (but not any less annoyingly). Make it run in ...

How to stop /#/ in browser with react-router?

...ory()} > ... </Router> ), document.body); Source: Version 2.0 Upgrade Guide Version 4 For the upcoming version 4 of react-router, the syntax has changed a great deal and it is required is to use BrowserRouter as the router root tag. import BrowserRouter from 'react-router/Browser...

Is there something like RStudio for Python? [closed]

... Yhat released Rodeo 2.0 (native app not a browser tool) for Windows, Mac & Linux in 2016. It's a lot more stable than it was and has lots of new features like syntax highlighting and integrated tutorials. Definitely worth checking out if you...

Should I use `this` or `$scope`?

...ssic" technique while "controller as" is much more recent (as of version 1.2.0 officially though it did appear in unstable pre-releases prior to this). Both work perfectly well and the only wrong answer is to mix them in the same app without an explicit reason. Frankly, mixing them will work, but ...

What can , and be used for?

...owever new since JSF 2.2 (the <f:viewParam> already exists since JSF 2.0). If you can't upgrade, then your best bet is using <f:event> instead. <f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{bean.onload}" /> This is however invoked on every request. You need to explicitly check if the ...

XPath query to get nth instance of an element

...to work: /descendant::input[@id="search_query"][2] I go this from "XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition" by Michael Kay. There is also a note in the "Abbreviated Syntax" section of the XML Path Language specification http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/#path-abbrev that provided a ...