大约有 2,300 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0429秒) [XML]


How to create ASP.NET Web API Url?

...ublic IEnumerable<string> Get() { // returns /api/values/123 string url = Url.Route("DefaultApi", new { controller = "values", id = "123" }); return new string[] { "value1", "value2" }; } // GET /api/values/5 public string Get(int id) { retu...

What is the difference between parseInt(string) and Number(string) in JavaScript? [duplicate]

... parseInt("123qwe") returns 123 Number("123qwe") returns NaN In other words parseInt() parses up to the first non-digit and returns whatever it had parsed. Number() wants to convert the entire string into a number, which can also ...

Autoincrement VersionCode with gradle extra properties

...sible. This script will create a version number which looks like v1.3.4 (123) and build an apk file like AppName-v1.3.4.apk. Major version ⌄ ⌄ Build version v1.3.4 (123) Minor version ⌃|⌃ Patch version Major version: Has to be changed manually for bigger changes. ...

Sprintf equivalent in Java

... that are perfect as instance methods, take String.Length() int length = "123".Length(); In this situation, it's obvious we are not trying to modify "123", we are just inspecting it, and returning its length. This is a perfect candidate for an instance method. My simple rules for Instance Method...

ALTER DATABASE failed because a lock could not be placed on database

...nnection 1 (leave running for a couple of minutes) CREATE DATABASE TESTING123 GO USE TESTING123; SELECT NEWID() AS X INTO FOO FROM sys.objects s1,sys.objects s2,sys.objects s3,sys.objects s4 ,sys.objects s5 ,sys.objects s6 Connections 2 and 3 set lock_timeout 5; ALTER DATABASE TESTING123 SET ...

Drawing a line/path on Google Maps

...nswered Oct 20 '10 at 5:08 richa123richa123 21122 silver badges22 bronze badges ...

`ui-router` $stateParams vs. $state.params

...stateParams = {}; stateParams.nextParams = $stateParams; //{item_id:123} stateParams.next = $state.current.name; $state.go('app.login', stateParams); //$stateParams.nextParams on app.login is now: //{next:'app.details', nextParams:{next:'app.details'}} When using $state.params: var ...

What does ~~ (“double tilde”) do in Javascript?

...umbers. Math.trunc(13.37) // 13 Math.trunc(42.84) // 42 Math.trunc(0.123) // 0 Math.trunc(-0.123) // -0 Math.trunc("-1.123")// -1 Math.trunc(NaN) // NaN Math.trunc("foo") // NaN Math.trunc() // NaN The polyfill: function trunc(x) { return x < 0 ? Math.ceil(x) : Math....

How to go about formatting 1200 to 1.2k in java

..., 999, 1_000, -5_821, 10_500, -101_800, 2_000_000, -7_800_000, 92_150_000, 123_200_000, 9_999_999, 999_999_999_999_999_999L, 1_230_000_000_000_000L, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE}; String[] expected = {"0", "5", "999", "1k", "-5.8k", "10k", "-101k", "2M", "-7.8M", "92M", "123M", "9.9M", "999P", "...

How to properly URL encode a string in PHP?

...le: $dataString = "https://www.google.pl/search?q=PHP is **great**!&id=123&css=#kolo&email=me@liszka.com)"; $dataStringUrlEncodedRFC1738 = UrlEncoder::encode($dataString, UrlEncoder::STANDARD_RFC1738); $dataStringUrlEncodedRFC3986 = UrlEncoder::encode($dataString, UrlEncoder::STANDARD_R...