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How to perform static code analysis in php? [closed]
Is there an static analysis tool for PHP source files? The binary itself can check for syntax errors, but I'm looking for something that does more, like:
What does PHP keyword 'var' do?
...'t been able to find the answer neither through web search engines, nor on php.net. Please just direct me to where I can read about this, if you haven't got time to explain.
Print PHP Call Stack
I'm looking for a way to print the call stack in PHP.
15 Answers
Why do some scripts omit the closing PHP tag, '?>'? [duplicate]
From PHP: Instruction Separation
The closing tag of a PHP block at the end of a file is optional, and in some cases omitting it is helpful when using include() or require(), so unwanted whitespace will not occur at the end of ...
PHP Get name of current directory
I have a php page inside a folder on my website.
7 Answers
How to define an empty object in PHP
A comment in the manual sums it up best:
stdClass is the default PHP object.
stdClass has no properties, methods or
parent. It does not support magic
methods, and implements no interfaces.
When you cast a scalar or array as
Object, you get an instance of
stdClass. You can us...
Exploitable PHP functions
...his list I contacted the founder of RIPS and as of now this tools searches PHP code for the use of every function in this list.
Most of these function calls are classified as Sinks. When a tainted variable (like $_REQUEST) is passed to a sink function, then you have a vulnerability. Programs like ...
Uppercase Booleans vs. Lowercase in PHP
When I was learning PHP, I read somewhere that you should always use the upper case versions of booleans, TRUE and FALSE , because the "normal" lowercase versions, true and false , weren't "safe" to use.
What is stdClass in PHP?
stdClass is PHP's generic empty class, kind of like Object in Java or object in Python (Edit: but not actually used as universal base class; thanks @Ciaran for pointing this out).
It is useful for anonymous objects, dynamic properties, ...
Unable to find the wrapper “https” - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?
...being said I'll list out exactly everything I've done so far. I am running PHP 5.2.14 with Zend Debugging on the latest Eclipse version on my Windows XP computer. I have a 1 GB of RAM. I have XAMPP running with Apache, MySQL, and FileZilla installed.