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Using the HTML5 “required” attribute for a group of checkboxes?

... checked. Following is your html code (make sure that you add required for all the elements in the group.) <input type="checkbox" name="option[]" id="option-1" value="option1" required/> Option 1 <input type="checkbox" name="option[]" id="option-2" value="option2" required/> Option 2 &l...

Concurrent vs serial queues in GCD

...ou wouldn't use either of the last two for long running processes. You normally see it when you're trying to update the UI (always on the main thread) from something that may be running on another thread. share | ...

Using javadoc for Python documentation [closed]

... from the Napolean documentation linked above. A comprehensive example on all types of docstrings here. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Unittest setUp/tearDown for several tests

...ably going to be to create your own derived TestSuite and override run(). All other calls would be handled by the parent, and run would call your setup and teardown code around a call up to the parent's run method. share ...

How to enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) in the express.js framework on node.js

...tatic files from a public directory. I'm using the express.js and am not really sure how to allow cross-domain scripting ( Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * ). ...

How to execute a raw update sql with dynamic binding in rails

... It doesn't look like the Rails API exposes methods to do this generically. You could try accessing the underlying connection and using it's methods, e.g. for MySQL: st = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection.prepare("update table set f1=? where f2=? and f3=?") st.execute(f1, f2, f3) st...

How do I reference a javascript object property with a hyphen in it?

Using this script to make a style object of all the inherited etc styles. 11 Answers ...

Why use apparently meaningless do-while and if-else statements in macros?

...into if (corge) f(corge); g(corge); else gralt(); which is syntactically incorrect, as the else is no longer associated with the if. It doesn't help to wrap things in curly braces within the macro, because a semicolon after the braces is syntactically incorrect. if (corge) {f(corge); g(co...

How to test equality of Swift enums with associated values

...d values. So if you're on Swift 4.1 or newer, the following will automatically synthesize the necessary methods such that XCTAssert(t1 == t2) works. The key is to add the Equatable protocol to your enum. enum SimpleToken: Equatable { case Name(String) case Number(Int) } let t1 = SimpleToke...

Why does installing Nokogiri on Mac OS fail with libiconv is missing?

I've been trying to install Nokogiri on Mac OS 10.9.3 and whatever I try, the install fails in the end with the following error message: ...