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How would I run an async Task method synchronously?
I'm learning about async/await, and ran into a situation where I need to call an async method synchronously. How can I do that?
What are 'get' and 'set' in Swift?
That's actually explained right before the code:
In addition to simple properties that are stored, properties can have a getter and a setter.
class EquilateralTriangle: NamedShape {
When some other class wants to get that pe...
Unit testing private methods in C#
Visual Studio allows unit testing of private methods via an automatically generated accessor class. I have written a test of a private method that compiles successfully, but it fails at runtime. A fairly minimal version of the code and the test is:
How can I parse a YAML file from a Linux shell script?
...:// (for URLs)
s/$/"/g appends " to the end of each line
s/ *=/=/g removes all spaces before =
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How to use Morgan logger?
...mote ip, request method, http version, response status, user agent etc. It allows you to modify the log using tokens or add color to them by defining 'dev' or even logging out to an output stream, like a file.
For the purpose we thought we can use it, as in this case, we still have to use:
Could not locate Gemfile
...application on my server using Ruby, Gems, and Bundler. I am trying to install another Ruby on under a different user account but on the same VPS. When I go to run
Clear icon inside input text
jQ will add the class x (if input has value) showing the clear icon.
Now all we need is to target with jQ the inputs with class x and detect on mousemove if the mouse is inside that 18px "x" area; if inside, add the class onX.
Clicking the onX class removes all classes, resets the input value and ...
How to make a countdown timer in Android?
...? I tried getting the value from an EditText but it didn't seem to work at all.
– edwoollard
Aug 3 '13 at 9:41
How to identify if the DLL is Debug or Release build (in .NET) [duplicate]
...s to check the compiled assemblies itself. There is this very useful tool called '.NET Assembly Information' found here by Rotem Bloom. After you install this, it associates itself with .dll files to open with itself. After installing you can just double-click on the Assembly to open and it will giv...
What is the difference between ndarray and array in numpy?
...r are used.
If buffer is an object exposing the buffer interface, then all keywords are interpreted.
The example below gives a random array because we didn't assign buffer value:
np.ndarray(shape=(2,2), dtype=float, order='F', buffer=None)
array([[ -1.13698227e+002, 4.25087011e-303],