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Bash function to find newest file matching pattern

... Your one liner is giving me right answer, but the "right" way is actually giving me the oldest file. Any idea why? – NewNameStat Apr 4 '19 at 21:59  |...

python pandas remove duplicate columns

...he given example, the returned value would be [False,False,True]. Pandas allows one to index using boolean values whereby it selects only the True values. Since we want to keep the unduplicated columns, we need the above boolean array to be flipped (ie [True, True, False] = ~[False,False,True]) F...

Are tuples more efficient than lists in Python?

...l be more like the tuple example above than the list example, but do you really believe that means performance will be similar? – mzz Jan 31 '10 at 15:21 ...

Rails check if yield :area is defined in content_for

... not really necessary to create a helper method: <% if @content_for_sidebar %> <div id="sidebar"> <%= yield :sidebar %> </div> <% end %> then of course in your view: <% content_for :sideb...

How to convert currentTimeMillis to a date in Java?

... Calendar objects are generally considered quite large, so should be avoided when possible. A Date object is going to be better assuming it has the functionality you need. "Date date=new Date(millis);" provided in the other answer by user AVD is going ...

Writing a Python list of lists to a csv file

...It kinda makes sense in hindsight, but not informative of where to look at all. – Rambatino May 25 '18 at 7:30 ...

GoogleTest: How to skip a test?

...o). I then removed my comment, figuring it's obsolete... but that's some really good info! +1 – Kiril Aug 26 '11 at 17:05 ...

Str_replace for multiple items

...aracter like this: str_replace(':', ' ', $string); but I want to replace all the following characters \/:*?"<>| , without doing a str_replace for each. ...

What does the exclamation mark mean in a Haskell declaration?

... It's a strictness declaration. Basically, it means that it must be evaluated to what's called "weak head normal form" when the data structure value is created. Let's look at an example, so that we can see just what this means: data Foo = Foo Int Int !Int !(May...

Oracle query to fetch column names

...tion_schema.COLUMNS is USER_TAB_COLS for tables owned by the current user, ALL_TAB_COLS or DBA_TAB_COLS for tables owned by all users. Tablespace is not equivalent to a schema, neither do you have to provide the tablespace name. Providing the schema/username would be of use if you want to query AL...