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How to copy from CSV file to PostgreSQL table with headers in CSV file?
I want to copy a CSV file to a Postgres table. There are about 100 columns in this table, so I do not want to rewrite them if I don't have to.
How to read a CSV file into a .NET Datatable
How can I load a CSV file into a System.Data.DataTable , creating the datatable based on the CSV file?
22 Answers
Reading CSV file and storing values into an array
I am trying to read a *.csv -file.
19 Answers
Import CSV file into SQL Server
I am looking for help to import a .csv file into SQL Server using BULK INSERT and I have few basic questions.
12 Answer...
MYSQL import data from csv using LOAD DATA INFILE
I am importing some data of 20000 rows from a CSV file into Mysql.
11 Answers
Can a CSV file have a comment?
Is there any official way to allow a CSV formatted file to allow comments, either on its own line OR at the end of a line?
PHP Array to CSV
I'm trying to convert an array of products into a CSV file, but it doesn't seem to be going to plan. The CSV file is one long line, here is my code:
Specifying colClasses in the read.csv
I am trying to specify the colClasses options in the read.csv function in R. In my data, the first column "time" is basically a character vector while the rest of the columns are numeric.
Quickly reading very large tables as dataframes
Using vroom from the tidyverse package vroom for importing data from csv/tab-delimited files directly into an R tibble. See Hector's answer.
Using fread in data.table for importing data from csv/tab-delimited files directly into R. See mnel's answer.
Using read_table in readr (on CRAN from A...
How do I import CSV file into a MySQL table?
I have an unnormalized events-diary CSV from a client that I'm trying to load into a MySQL table so that I can refactor into a sane format. I created a table called 'CSVImport' that has one field for every column of the CSV file. The CSV contains 99 columns , so this was a hard enough task in itself...