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How to convert a char array to a string?

...e we will lose some data. The possible solution is: cout << string("123\0 123") << endl; cout << string("123\0 123", 8) << endl; Output is: 123 123 123 share | impr...

An example of how to use getopts in bash

...pecify strength, either 45 or 90. h | *) # Display help. $ ./foo.sh -s 123 -p any_string Strength needs to be either 45 or 90, 123 found instead. p is any_string $ ./foo.sh -s 90 -p any_string Strength is 90. p is any_string See: Small getopts tutorial at Bash Hackers Wiki ...

parseInt vs unary plus, when to use which?

... '~~x', 'x>>>0', 'isNaN(x)' ]; VALUES = [ '"123"', '"+123"', '"-123"', '"123.45"', '"-123.45"', '"12e5"', '"12e-5"', '"0123"', '"0000123"', '"0b111"', '"0o10"', '"0xBABE"', '"4294967295"', '"1...

Ruby, remove last N characters from a string?

...diomatic (and I'd argue, even more readable than other answers here): 'abc123'.delete_suffix('123') # => "abc" 'abc123'.delete_suffix!('123') # => "abc" It's even significantly faster (almost 40% with the bang method) than the top answer. Here's the result of the same benchmark: ...

How can I convert a string to a number in Perl?

... This is a simple solution: Example 1 my $var1 = "123abc"; print $var1 + 0; Result 123 Example 2 my $var2 = "abc123"; print $var2 + 0; Result 0 share | improve thi...

Removing all non-numeric characters from string in Python

... this is the most efficient way, but: >>> ''.join(c for c in "abc123def456" if c.isdigit()) '123456' The ''.join part means to combine all the resulting characters together without any characters in between. Then the rest of it is a list comprehension, where (as you can probably guess) ...

Test whether string is a valid integer

...of "+" (e.g. +30) which obviously is an integer. Results: $ int_check.sh 123 123 is an integer !! $ int_check.sh 123+ ERROR: first parameter must be an integer. $ int_check.sh -123 -123 is an integer !! $ int_check.sh +30 +30 is an integer !! $ int_check.sh -123c ERROR: first parameter must be...

How can I pad a String in Java?

...*chars Display '*' for characters of password: String password = "secret123"; String padded = String.format("%"+password.length()+"s", "").replace(' ', '*'); output has the same length as the password string: secret123 ********* ...

ZMQ: 基本原理 - 开源 & Github - 清泛网 - 专注C++内核技术

... 7libunwind:记录程序崩溃堆栈 8TLSF源码及算法介绍 9Linux下部署企业级邮件服务器(postfix + ... 10libunwind链接时报错:undefined referenc... 本月排行 ...

How to get the data-id attribute?

... To get the contents of the attribute data-id (like in <a data-id="123">link</a>) you have to use $(this).attr("data-id") // will return the string "123" or .data() (if you use newer jQuery >= 1.4.3) $(this).data("id") // will return the number 123 and the part after data- ...