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Git - push current branch shortcut

...mand to set the remote tracking branch. git branch --set-upstream feature/123-sandbox-tests origin/feature/123-sandbox-tests Then you can simply use git push to push all the changes. For a more complete answer, please see the accepted answer to a similar question here. If you only want to push t...

What's the difference between a single precision and double precision floating point operation?

...ch precision they can store the numbers. For example: I have to store 123.456789 One may be able to store only 123.4567 while other may be able to store the exact 123.456789. So, basically we want to know how much accurately can the number be stored and is what we call precision. Quoting @A...

How can I create a UIColor from a hex string?

...anHexInt:&hexInt]; return hexInt; } Usage: NSString *hexStr1 = @"123ABC"; NSString *hexStr2 = @"#123ABC"; NSString *hexStr3 = @"0x123ABC"; UIColor *color1 = [self getUIColorObjectFromHexString:hexStr1 alpha:.9]; NSLog(@"UIColor: %@", color1); UIColor *color2 = [self getUIColorObjectFromH...

Generic TryParse

... it's simply a matter of calling thusly: var value = TryParse<int>("123", int.TryParse); var value2 = TryParse<decimal>("123.123", decimal.TryParse); share | improve this answer ...

How to check a string for specific characters?

...s): print('Found') else print('Not found') ... or chars = set('0123456789$,') if any((c in chars) for c in s): print('Found') else: print('Not Found') [Edit: added the '$' in s answers] share | ...

Why catch and rethrow an exception in C#?

...ple, in VB you can do Try .. Catch Ex As MyException When Ex.ErrorCode = 123 .. End Try ...which would not handle MyExceptions with different ErrorCode values. In C# prior to v6, you would have to catch and re-throw the MyException if the ErrorCode was not 123: try { ... } catch(MyExcepti...

Python way of printing: with 'format' or percent form? [duplicate]

... Related: bugs.python.org/issue14123 – guettli Sep 11 '13 at 7:35 Is .format...

How to make a Java Generic method static?

... you are calling the static method, Greet.sayHello("Bob"); Greet.sayHello(123); JVM interprets it as the following. Greet.<String>sayHello("Bob"); Greet.<Integer>sayHello(123); Both giving the same outputs. Hello Bob Hello 123 ...

Python how to write to a binary file?

...FileBytes) bytearray(b'{\x03\xff\x00d') >>> bytes(newFileBytes) '[123, 3, 255, 0, 100]' share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Why is a div with “display: table-cell;” not affected by margin?

...ss="table"> <div class="row"> <div class="cell">123</div> <div class="cell">456</div> <div class="cell">879</div> </div> </div> CSS .table {display:table;border-collapse:separate;border-spacing:5px;} .row {di...