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FFmpeg C API documentation/tutorial [closed]

I am trying to find documentation to use the FFmpeg C API. It seems that only command line documentation is available. 5 An...

Return HTTP status code 201 in flask

We're using Flask for one of our API's and I was just wondering if anyone knew how to return a HTTP response 201? 9 Answers...

PHP常用API函数用法 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

PHP常用API函数用法php_common_api_referencePHP常用API函数速查:expload, str_replace, strpos, substr, stripos, strripos, implode, strrpos PHP explode() 函数 把字符串按照指定分隔符分割为数组。 例子: <?php $url = "https://www.tsingfun.com/index.php?m=conten...

高德地图api访问URL出错求助 - App应用开发 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

https://restapi.amap.com/v3/staticmap? &amp;zoom=12 &amp;size=1024*1024 &amp;markers=large,0xFF0000,M:116.482957,39.875308|P:116.39747,39.908823;116.410891,39.881951;116.482630,39.944151;116.469815,39.913968 &amp;key= 这个地图api为什么用“|”来分隔不同标注点的话会显示错...

GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging)

...ids); function sendPushNotification($data, $ids) { // Insert real GCM API key from the Google APIs Console // https://code.google.com/apis/console/ $apiKey = 'abc'; // Set POST request body $post = array( 'registration_ids' =&gt; $ids, ...

Calling setCompoundDrawables() doesn't display the Compound Drawable

... needs api 17 so Drawable.setBounds() might be better – user1324936 Jan 1 '14 at 15:25 ...

How to add calendar events in Android?

...d an event to the user's calendar? Which calendar? Is there a common API they all share? No, no more than there is a "common API they all share" for Windows calendar apps. There are some common data formats (e.g., iCalendar) and Internet protocols (e.g., CalDAV), but no common API. Some cale...

JavaScript REST client Library [closed]

... jQuery also includes some handy shortcut methods for using GET and POST: api.jquery.com/category/ajax/shorthand-methods – Avi Flax Jul 18 '10 at 13:49 ...

What is the difference between the OAuth Authorization Code and Implicit workflows? When to use each

... The access_token is what you need to call a protected resource (an API). In the Authorization Code flow there are 2 steps to get it: User must authenticate and returns a code to the API consumer (called the "Client"). The "client" of the API (usually your web server) exchanges the code obt...

Microsoft Web API: How do you do a Server.MapPath?

Since Microsoft Web API isn't MVC , you cannot do something like this: 7 Answers 7 ...