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You must enable the openssl extension to download files via https

... PHP CLI SAPI is using different php.ini than CGI or Apache module. Find line ;extension=php_openssl.dll in wamp/bin/php/php#.#.##/php.ini and uncomment it by removing the semicolon (;) from the beginning of the line. ...

Where does PHP store the error log? (php5, apache, fastcgi, cpanel)

I am on shared hosting and have Cpanel, Apache, PHP is run by fastcgi. Where does PHP store the error log? 21 Answers ...

nginx showing blank PHP pages

I have setup an nginx server with php5-fpm. When I try to load the site I get a blank page with no errors. Html pages are served fine but not php. I tried turning on display_errors in php.ini but no luck. php5-fpm.log is not producing any errors and neither is nginx. ...

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_decode()

Apache is logging PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_decode() . After some googling, it seems this problem is a result of not having the latest version of php. Oddly, running php --version ouputs ...

How to execute PHP code from the command line?

I would like to execute a single php statement like if(function_exists("my_func")) echo 'function exists'; directly with the command line without having to use a seperate php file. ...

How to enable curl, installed Ubuntu LAMP stack?

... From http://buzznol.blogspot.com/2008/12/install-curl-extension-for-php-in.html: sudo apt-get install php5-curl After installing libcurl you should restart the web server with one of the following commands, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart OR sudo service apache2 restart ...

Can you “compile” PHP code and upload a binary-ish file, which will just be run by the byte code int

I know that PHP is compiled to byte code before it is run on the server, and then that byte code can be cached so that the whole script doesn't have to be re-interpreted with every web access. ...

What is cURL in PHP?

In PHP, I see the word cURL in many PHP projects. What is it? How does it work? 11 Answers ...

How to perform static code analysis in php? [closed]

Is there an static analysis tool for PHP source files? The binary itself can check for syntax errors, but I'm looking for something that does more, like: ...

When do I use the PHP constant “PHP_EOL”?

When is it a good idea to use PHP_EOL ? 19 Answers 19 ...