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从Code Review 谈如何做技术 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...期和不靠谱的程序员之间的矛盾,我认为cr不是解决这个问题的银弹。不从实际情况出发光打正义的嘴炮实在太过于自慰了 。 我们可以看到,上面观点其实和Code Review没有太多关系,其实是在抱怨另外的问题。这些观点其实是...

Asynchronous shell exec in PHP

...verted to use echo "sudo command" | at now and commenting www-data out in /etc/at.deny – Julien Apr 16 '15 at 7:47 @Ju...

linux下iptables配置详解 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...成DROP的话) 允许loopback!(不然会导致DNS无法正常关闭等问题) IPTABLES -A INPUT -i lo -p all -j ACCEPT (如果是INPUT DROP) IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o lo -p all -j ACCEPT(如果是OUTPUT DROP) 下面写OUTPUT链,OUTPUT链默认规则是ACCEPT,所以我们就写需要DROP(放弃)...

解决:CTreeCtrl控件SetCheck无效的问题 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

解决:CTreeCtrl控件SetCheck无效的问题解决方法:SetCheck之前或OnInitDialog中添加如下两句代码m_tree.ModifyStyle( TVS_CHECKBOXES, 0 );m_tree.ModifyStyle( 0, TVS_CHEC...解决方法:SetCheck之前或OnInitDialog中添加如下两句代码 m_tree.ModifyStyle( TVS_CHECKBOXES,...

simple explanation PHP OOP vs Procedural?

...ulation, functions for processing arrays, functions for file input/output, etc] OOP is a special way of "chunking" Functions together into a "Class" A Class is just another level of "chunking" code together so that you can treat it as a unified whole A Class can be thought of as a "chunking" of met...

How does RewriteBase work in .htaccess

...t regardless of whether the rule is in the "root", "subdir1", "subsubdir", etc. the /bar.php path always maps to http://example.com/bar.php. But the other rule, with the relative path, it's based on the directory that the rule is in. So if RewriteRule ^foo$ bar.php [L] is in the "root" and you ...

大数据不是万能的 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...地方。我们认为,大数据其实面对的不是99%的机构面对的问题,这个说法跟市场上很多的说法不大一样。 我们看一下,把这个额度分配到一万到十万区域。在这个领域从事信贷服务的,大家马上想到的是信用卡,也可能想到某...

一文讲透区块链技术原理 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...定是可信的。 区块链技术原理的来源可归纳为一个数学问题:拜占庭将军问题。拜占庭将军问题延伸到互联网生活中来,其内涵可概括为:在互联网大背景下,当需要与不熟悉的对手方进行价值交换活动时,人们如何才能防止...

Best way to do multiple constructors in PHP

...class Student { protected $firstName; protected $lastName; // etc. /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { // allocate your stuff } /** * Static constructor / factory */ public static function create() { $instance = ...

What is your preferred php deployment strategy? [closed]

... rollback support, support for separate server roles such as web, db, app, etc., and deploys in parallel. It allows you to override config parameters on multiple levels, such as per stage, and logs the results of every deploy, optionally mailing it. Even though Capistrano and Webistrano are Ruby ap...