大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0345秒) [XML]


SQL Server 2008: How to query all databases sizes?

... with fs as ( select database_id, type, size * 8.0 / 1024 size from sys.master_files ) select name, (select sum(size) from fs where type = 0 and fs.database_id = db.database_id) DataFileSizeMB, (select sum(size) from fs wh...

Is there a way to loop through a table variable in TSQL without using a cursor?

...impler code. Depending on your data it may be possible to loop using just SELECT statements as shown below: Declare @Id int While (Select Count(*) From ATable Where Processed = 0) > 0 Begin Select Top 1 @Id = Id From ATable Where Processed = 0 --Do some processing here Update ATa...

Efficient SQL test query or validation query that will work across all (or most) databases

...er a little bit of research along with help from some of the answers here: SELECT 1 H2 MySQL Microsoft SQL Server (according to NimChimpsky) PostgreSQL SQLite SELECT 1 FROM DUAL Oracle SELECT 1 FROM any_existing_table WHERE 1=0 or SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_USERS or CALL NOW() HS...

With MySQL, how can I generate a column containing the record index in a table?

... You may want to try the following: SELECT l.position, l.username, l.score, @curRow := @curRow + 1 AS row_number FROM league_girl l JOIN (SELECT @curRow := 0) r; The JOIN (SELECT @curRow := 0) part allows the variable initiali...

SQL SELECT WHERE field contains words

I need a select which would return results like this: 15 Answers 15 ...

How do I find a “gap” in running counter with SQL?

... In MySQL and PostgreSQL: SELECT id + 1 FROM mytable mo WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM mytable mi WHERE mi.id = mo.id + 1 ) ORDER BY id LIMIT 1 In SQL Server: SELECT TOP 1 i...

SQL Server SELECT into existing table

I am trying to select some fields from one table and insert them into an existing table from a stored procedure. Here is what I am trying: ...

Return a value if no rows are found in Microsoft tSQL

... SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(1) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS [Value] FROM Sites S WHERE S.Id = @SiteId and S.Status = 1 AND (S.WebUserId = @WebUserId OR S.AllowUploads = 1) ...

Generate random int value from 3 to 6

... This generates a random number between 0-9 SELECT ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()) % 10) 1 through 6 SELECT ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()) % 6) + 1 3 through 6 SELECT ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()) % 4) + 3 Dynamic (Based on Eilert Hjelmeseths Comment) SELECT ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()) % (@ma...

LISTAGG in Oracle to return distinct values

... 19c and later: select listagg(distinct the_column, ',') within group (order by the_column) from the_table 18c and earlier: select listagg(the_column, ',') within group (order by the_column) from ( select distinct the_column from t...