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Where is the php.ini file on a Linux/CentOS PC? [duplicate]

I can't find PHP.ini location on my server. I've checked all Stack Overflow answers but I can't find my php.ini location. 5...

PHP server on local machine?

I'm trying to build a PHP site and I'm wanting to test my PHP files without uploading them to my host. Basically testing them on my own machine before I upload them. How do I do that? ...

Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found

... service example and I get this error even though I uncommented extension=php_soap.dll in the php.ini file: 11 Answers ...

How can I echo HTML in PHP?

...te a page, so what's the easiest way to echo multiline snippets of HTML in PHP 4+? Would I need to use a template framework like Smarty? ...

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library

I run a PHP script and get this error: 19 Answers 19 ...

PDOException “could not find driver”

I have just installed Debian Lenny with Apache, MySQL, and PHP and I am receiving a PDOException could not find driver . 3...

Composer install error - requires ext_curl when it's actually enabled

I'm trying to install Facebook PHP SDK with Composer. This is what I get 15 Answers 15...

Using PHP with Socket.io

Is it possible to use Sockets.io on the client side and communicate with a PHP based application on the server? Does PHP even support such a 'long-lived connection' way of writing code? ...

Composer Warning: openssl extension is missing. How to enable in WAMP

... WAMP uses different php.ini files in the CLI and for Apache. when you enable php_openssl through the WAMP UI, you enable it for Apache, not for the CLI. You need to modify C:\wamp\bin\php\php-5.4.3\php.ini to enable it for the CLI. ...

Apache shows PHP code instead of executing it

I have recently been trying to install PHP and Apache on my computer. After many hours, they're installed. I have modified the httpd.conf and php.ini files like everyone says. I then created a simple PHP script: ...