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What exactly does the post method do?

...hed from the messageQueue [EDIT 1] Why do we use a new thread instead of UI thread (main thread)? UI Thread : When application is started, Ui Thread is created automatically it is in charge of dispatching the events to the appropriate widgets and this includes the drawing events. It is also t...

AngularJS ui-router login authentication

... am new to AngularJS, and I am a little confused of how I can use angular-"ui-router" in the following scenario: 10 Answers...

Plug-in org.eclipse.wst.css.ui was unable to load class org.eclipse.ws...

Eclipse 非正常关闭后,启动出现上述错误。 解决方法: 当前workspace目录下,删除.metadata目录,重启Eclipse重新添加项目。 不过以前的设置都会恢复默认,得重新设置一次。

Should I pass an std::function by const-reference?

...f you are storing it. Suppose you have a function called "run this in the UI thread". std::future<void> run_in_ui_thread( std::function<void()> ) which runs some code in the "ui" thread, then signals the future when done. (Useful in UI frameworks where the UI thread is where you are...

jQuery UI DatePicker - Change Date Format

I am using the UI DatePicker from jQuery UI as the stand alone picker. I have this code: 28 Answers ...

Proper way to rename solution (and directories) in Visual Studio

...result as the manual method above. If the namespace is underlined with a squiggly blue line, click on the action pyramid icon to either: Rename the namespace to match the directory name in Windows Explorer, or; Rename the directory in Windows Explorer to match the namespace. In the second case, ...

xtreme toolkit pro——CXTPReportControl控件教程 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...//显示头行 //m_wndReportCtrl.ShowFooter(TRUE);//显示页脚footer,即界面下边,与header对应 //m_wndReportCtrl.ShowFooterRows(TRUE);//显示页脚行 //m_wndReportCtrl.HeaderRowsAllowEdit(TRUE);//允许编辑HeaderRows //m_wndReportCtrl.FooterRowsAllowEdit(TRUE);//允许编辑FooterR...

搜狗百度入口之争升级 开放竞合成流量变现抓手 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C+...


数据存储组件 · App Inventor 2 中文网

...的默认作用域,不指定默认 私有。 读权限 仅用于“界面设计”视图的属性,用于启用App作用域之外的文件的读取权限。 作用域 表示 读取文件 和 保存文件 等操作的当前作用域。 写权限 仅用于“界面设计”视图的属...

Good examples of MVVM Template

...manding, event aggregation, etc to easily try out different patterns that suit you. The prism release: http://www.codeplex.com/CompositeWPF It includes a pretty decent example app (the stock trader) along with a lot of smaller examples and how to's. At the very least it's a good demonstration of...