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PHP-FPM doesn't write to error log

I've just installed a nginx+php-fpm server. Everything seems fine except that PHP-FPM never writes error to its log. 11 Ans...

PHP code is not being executed, instead code shows on the page

I'm trying to execute some PHP code on a project (using Dreamweaver) but the code isn't being run. 27 Answers ...

How to enable PHP short tags?

... Set short_open_tag=On in php.ini And restart your Apache server. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Laravel requires the Mcrypt PHP extension

...web enabled extensions and command line enabled extensions can differ. Run php -m in your terminal and check to see if mcrypt is listed. If it's not then check where the command line is loading your php.ini file from by running php --ini from your terminal. In this php.ini file you can enable the e...

Is APC compatible with PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5?

It doesn't seem like APC has been updated to coincide with the php 5.4 release (I wish they would have included APC in PHP core like originally planned). ...

How do I upgrade PHP in Mac OS X?

... You may want to check out Marc Liyanage's PHP package. It comes in a nice Mac OS X installer package that you can double-click. He keeps it pretty up to date. http://php-osx.liip.ch/ Also, although upgrading to Snow Leopard won't help you do PHP updates in the futu...

Enabling error display in PHP via htaccess only

... .htaccess: php_flag display_startup_errors on php_flag display_errors on php_flag html_errors on php_flag log_errors on php_value error_log /home/path/public_html/domain/PHP_errors.log ...

What is mod_php?

... mod_php means PHP, as an Apache module. Basically, when loading mod_php as an Apache module, it allows Apache to interpret PHP files (those are interpreted by mod_php). EDIT : There are (at least) two ways of running PHP, when...

What is thread safe or non-thread safe in PHP?

I saw different binaries for PHP, like non-thread or thread safe? 4 Answers 4 ...

PHP passing $_GET in linux command prompt

...you will use either argv global variable or getopt: // bash command: // php -e myscript.php hello echo $argv[1]; // prints hello // bash command: // php -e myscript.php -f=world $opts = getopt('f:'); echo $opts['f']; // prints world $_GET refers to the HTTP GET method parameters, which are u...