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Calculate distance between two latitude-longitude points? (Haversine formula)

...t; /// Convert degrees to Radians /// </summary> /// <param name="x">Degrees</param> /// <returns>The equivalent in radians</returns> public static double Radians(double x) { return x * PIx / 180; } /// <summary> /// Ca...

How to get the Full file path from URI

...turn uri.getPath(); } return null; } /** * @param uri The Uri to check. * @return Whether the Uri authority is ExternalStorageProvider. */ public static boolean isExternalStorageDocument(Uri uri) { return "com.android.externalstorage.documents".eq...

Query-string encoding of a Javascript Object

...oice. For GET requests, if you're sending anything other than a few simple parameters to the server then it's likely your design is wrong. – Tim Down Nov 11 '09 at 14:25 2 ...

What does ** (double star/asterisk) and * (star/asterisk) do for parameters?

In the following method definitions, what does the * and ** do for param2 ? 22 Answers ...

Why would adding a method add an ambiguous call, if it wouldn't be involved in the ambiguity

...ways, no promises.) A correct analysis follows. The candidates are: 0: C(params string[]) in its normal form 1: C(params string[]) in its expanded form 2: C<string>(string) 3: C(string, object) Candidate zero is obviously inapplicable because string is not convertible to string[]. That l...

Creating a system overlay window (always on top)

...se let me know. OnCreate of your Service: I have used WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH flag. This is the only change in service. @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(),"onCreate", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); ...

How to read a text file reversely with iterator in C#

... /// the stream into text. /// </summary> /// <param name="streamSource">Data source</param> public ReverseLineReader(Func<Stream> streamSource) : this(streamSource, Encoding.UTF8) { } /// <summary> ...

How can I check if a Perl array contains a particular value?

... Simply turn the array into a hash: my %params = map { $_ => 1 } @badparams; if(exists($params{$someparam})) { ... } You can also add more (unique) params to the list: $params{$newparam} = 1; And later get a list of (unique) params back: @badparams = keys...

how to add records to has_many :through association in rails

... I think you can simply do this: @cust = Customer.new(params[:customer]) @cust.houses << House.find(params[:house_id]) Or when creating a new house for a customer: @cust = Customer.new(params[:customer]) @cust.houses.create(params[:house]) You can also add via ids:...

How do I best silence a warning about unused variables?

...r sees it is used. This is portable between compilers. E.g. void foo(int param1, int param2) { (void)param2; bar(param1); } Or, #define UNUSED(expr) do { (void)(expr); } while (0) ... void foo(int param1, int param2) { UNUSED(param2); bar(param1); } ...