大约有 23,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0317秒) [XML]


Passing a Bundle on startActivity()?

...ntent(this, Example.class); Bundle extras = mIntent.getExtras(); extras.putString(key, value); 2) Create a new Bundle Intent mIntent = new Intent(this, Example.class); Bundle mBundle = new Bundle(); mBundle.putString(key, value); mIntent.putExtras(mBundle); 3) Use the putExtra() shortcut meth...

Get Substring - everything before certain char

...g to figure out the best way to get everything before the - character in a string. Some example strings are below. The length of the string before - varies and can be any length ...

Predicate Delegates in C#

... can also be assigned to a Predicate delegate type as below: Predicate<string> isUpper = delegate(string s) { return s.Equals(s.ToUpper());}; bool result = isUpper("Hello Chap!!"); Any best practices about predicates? Use Func, Lambda Expressions and Delegates instead of Predicates. ...

Can't connect to localhost on SQL Server Express 2012 / 2016

...ify your SQL Server connection authentication mode matches your connection string: If you're connecting using a username and password, you need to configure SQL Server to accept "SQL Server Authentication Mode": -- YOU MUST RESTART YOUR SQL SERVER AFTER RUNNING THIS! USE [master] GO DECLARE @SqlS...

Best way to replace multiple characters in a string?

...ll the methods in the current answers along with one extra. With an input string of abc&def#ghi and replacing & -> \& and # -> \#, the fastest way was to chain together the replacements like this: text.replace('&', '\&').replace('#', '\#'). Timings for each function: a)...

Getting visitors country from their IP

...t($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); $ip_data_in = curl_exec($ch); // string curl_close($ch); $ip_data = json_decode($ip_data_in,true); $ip_data = str_replace('"', '"', $ip_data); // for PHP 5.2 see stackoverflow.com/questions/3110487/ if($ip_data && $ip_data[...

Finding current executable's path without /proc/self/exe

...es a program is expected to create the same environment (argv, environment strings, etc.) for that program as if it were run from a shell, with some optional extras. A program or user can setup an environment that deviates from this convention for other subordinate programs that it launches but if i...

Security of REST authentication schemes

...APIs, it's better for the client to be passing tokens - randomly generated strings - instead of the password the developer logs into the website with. So the developer should be able to log into your site and generate new tokens that can be used for API verification. The main reason to use a token ...

std::string formatting like sprintf

I have to format std::string with sprintf and send it into file stream. How can I do this? 40 Answers ...

Variable number of arguments in C++?

...ut yourself. In the case of printf(), for example, the function parses the string argument for special tokens to figure out how many extra arguments it should expect in the variable argument list. – wilhelmtell Jun 23 '10 at 21:33 ...