大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0226秒) [XML]
Using HTML in Express instead of Jade
...just use plain html. In other articles I have seen that people recommended app.register() which is now deprecated in the latest version.
Android Gallery on Android 4.4 (KitKat) returns different URI for Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT
...ds unless he does intent to use/edit documents that are owned by the other application(s). If the OP wants a copy or to do things in a way consistent with older versions, the answer by @voytez would be more appropriate.
– Colin M.
Nov 27 '13 at 22:14
Uploading images using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose
...ss = require('../../lib/express')
, form = require('connect-form');
var app = express.createServer(
// connect-form (http://github.com/visionmedia/connect-form)
// middleware uses the formidable middleware to parse urlencoded
// and multipart form data
form({ keepExtensions: true })
File Upload ASP.NET MVC 3.0
... = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
// store the file inside ~/App_Data/uploads folder
var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/uploads"), fileName);
// redirect back to the index action to show the form once again
How to set custom favicon in Express?
I recently started working in Node.js and in the app.js file there is this line:
13 Answers
Loading Backbone and Underscore using RequireJS
'domReady', // optional, using RequireJS domReady plugin
], function(domReady, app){
domReady(function () {
The modules are properly registered and there is no need for the order plugin:
// app.js
An error occurred while installing pg (0.17.1), and Bundler cannot continue
I just installed Rails 4.0.2 and when creating a new app, in the bundle stage I get:
16 Answers
We are trying to use the native camera app to let the user take a new picture. It works just fine if we leave out the EXTRA_OUTPUT extra and returns the small Bitmap image. However, if we putExtra(EXTRA_OUTPUT,...) on the intent before starting it, everything works until you try to hit the "Ok" ...
How to structure a express.js application?
Is there a common convention for breaking up and modularizing the app.js file in an Express.js application? Or is it common to keep everything in a single file?
Django database query: How to get object by id?
File "django/db/models/loading.py", line 72, in _populate
self.load_app(app_name, True)
File "django/db/models/loading.py", line 94, in load_app
app_module = import_module(app_name)
File "django/utils/importlib.py", line 35, in import_module
ImportError: No module nam...