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How can I get the MAC and the IP address of a connected client in PHP?

... address, you could parse the output of netstat -ie in Linux, or ipconfig /all in Windows. Client IP address You can get the client IP from $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] Client MAC address The client MAC address will not be available to you except in one special circumstance: if the client is on the s...

Unzip a file with php

...e it out by yourself. On the other hand, the fact that this code could actually be published online somewhere as the correct way to unzip a file is a bit frightening. PHP has built-in extensions for dealing with compressed files. There should be no need to use system calls for this. ZipArchivedocs ...

Exploitable PHP functions

...purpose isn't to list functions that should be blacklisted or otherwise disallowed. Rather, I'd like to have a grep -able list of red-flag keywords handy when searching a compromised server for back-doors. ...

What does the variable $this mean in PHP?

I see the variable $this in PHP all the time and I have no idea what it's used for. I've never personally used it. 10 An...

jQuery Ajax POST example with PHP

...me local variables var $form = $(this); // Let's select and cache all the fields var $inputs = $form.find("input, select, button, textarea"); // Serialize the data in the form var serializedData = $form.serialize(); // Let's disable the inputs for the duration of the Ajax ...

How to use phpexcel to read data and insert into database?

...el_Cell::columnIndexFromString($sheet->getHighestColumn()); I am not infallible ` – Mark Baker Jun 16 '13 at 21:48 ...

PHP equivalent of .NET/Java's toString()

... @MarkAmery He gave an answer that implicitly calls the __toString() "Magic Method", but didn't mention that at all. The user asked for an answer that was like the Java toString() method, and in PHP, that's the __toString() function. – Supuhstar ...

How to get the client IP address in PHP [duplicate]

...se addresses are larger than the older IPv4 addresses. (Note that IPv6 usually uses 39 characters at most but there is also a special IPv6 notation for IPv4 addresses which in its full form can be up to 45 characters. So if you know what you are doing you can use 39 characters, but if you just want...

Tracking the script execution time in PHP

..."; echo "It spent " . rutime($ru, $rustart, "stime") . " ms in system calls\n"; Note that you don't need to calculate a difference if you are spawning a php instance for every test. share | im...

Accept function as parameter in PHP

... to find some documentation to link to first, and didn't know what it was called exactly. Ah well, now I'll know for when I need to do this as well. Thanks. – Rob Apr 23 '10 at 17:01 ...