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How to change the Push and Pop animations in a navigation based app

... the one that you pop on top, do nothing. Easy. So your class... class SomeScreen: UIViewController { } becomes... class FrontScreen: UIViewController, UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate { let simpleOver = SimpleOver() override func view...

Using printf with a non-null terminated string

...rs variable ) to a file, in this case to stdout (the standard output, your screen)! share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Bootstrap: align input with button

...would like to share. Here's the code which works for me (find the attached screenshot): <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search text"> <span class="input-group-btn" style="width:0;"> <button class="btn btn-default" t...

How to easily resize/optimize an image size with iOS?

...csBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, NO, 0.0); where 0.0 will use the main screen scale to support retina and above. Apple states "You should generally avoid calling the similarly named UIGraphicsBeginImageContext function (except as a fallback for backwards compatibility)". – ...

How to duplicate sys.stdout to a log file?

...) sys.stdout = Logger() Now the print statement will both echo to the screen and append to your log file: # prints "1 2" to <stdout> AND log.dat print "%d %d" % (1,2) This is obviously quick-and-dirty. Some notes: You probably ought to parametize the log filename. You should probabl...

Sending data back to the Main Activity in Android

...m/training/notepad/notepad-ex2.html and in the "Returning a Result from a Screen" of this: http://developer.android.com/guide/faq/commontasks.html#opennewscreen share | improve this answer ...

erb, haml or slim: which one do you suggest? And why? [closed]

...eturn that. HAML Pros more concise. no closing tags, fits in smaller screens visually cleaner structure has built in helpers (haml_concat, haml_capture) to utilize haml in helper methods class chaining lots of useful syntactic sugar like # for divs or . for class chaining, or :javascript for ...

Capture key press (or keydown) event on DIV element

...o any value other than "0". Making it anything above 0 is going to mess up screen readers for visually impaired users (it will skip everything on the page and go straight to any tabindex above 0). tabindex="0" makes it "tabbable." you can have infinite elements with tabindex="0" ...

How to detect shake event with android?

... Could you help me understand why onResume and onPause are called when the screen shakes? I don't get that part. – Pikamander2 Oct 8 '17 at 4:22 1 ...

How to Deserialize XML document

...you have Windows 8 can just start typing Developer Command Prompt in Start screen Change location to your XML file directory by typing cd /D "C:\path\to\xml" Create XSD file from your xml file by typing xsd file.xml Create C# classes by typing xsd /c file.xsd And that's it! You have generated C# ...