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MySQL remove all whitespaces from the entire column

... 203 To replace all spaces : UPDATE `table` SET `col_name` = REPLACE(`col_name`, ' ', '') To remo...

How to quickly edit values in table in SQL Server Management Studio?

Aside from context menu -> "Edit Top 200 Rows" from Object Explorer, is there a quick way to open a table in Edit mode where I can just quickly modify the value of a cell? ...

Getting one value from a tuple

... 207 You can write i = 5 + tup()[0] Tuples can be indexed just like lists. The main difference b...

arrayfun can be significantly slower than an explicit loop in matlab. Why?

... 101 You can get the idea by running other versions of your code. Consider explicitly writing out th...

How to programmatically disable page scrolling with jQuery

...verflow')); html.css('overflow', 'hidden'); window.scrollTo(scrollPosition[0], scrollPosition[1]); // un-lock scroll position var html = jQuery('html'); var scrollPosition = html.data('scroll-position'); html.css('overflow', html.data('previous-overflow')); window.scrollTo(scrollPosition[0], scrol...

How can I test that a value is “greater than or equal to” in Jasmine?

I want to confirm that a value is a decimal (or 0), so the number should be greater than or equal to zero and less than 1. ...

Invoke a callback at the end of a transition

...milar to jQuery) using D3.js . What I need to do is to set the opacity to 0 using transition() . 9 Answers ...

Can I create more than one repository for github pages?

...mentation, including options for using custom domain names. (since April 2013, all username.github.com are now username.github.io) share | improve this answer | follow ...

SQLite select where empty?

...ere coalesce(some_column, '') = '' of where ifnull(length(some_column), 0) = 0 share | improve this answer | follow | ...

What is the status of JSR 305?

I have seen the question JSR305 vs. JSR308 (Java Type Anotations) - Which is going to be the standard? and I understand the difference between JSR 308 and JSR 305 . ...