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JavaScript: clone a function

...ly way? I would improve on this a bit so that it does not wrap twice when called twice, but otherwise, ok. – Andrey Shchekin Dec 2 '09 at 19:25 ...

How do I copy the contents of a String to the clipboard in C#? [duplicate]

... I wish calling SetText were that easy but there are quite a few gotchas that you have to deal with. You have to make sure that the thread you are calling it on is running in the STA. It can sometimes fail with an access denied error ...

How to allocate aligned memory only using the standard library?

... Original answer { void *mem = malloc(1024+16); void *ptr = ((char *)mem+16) & ~ 0x0F; memset_16aligned(ptr, 0, 1024); free(mem); } Fixed answer { void *mem = malloc(1024+15); void *ptr = ((uintptr_t)mem+15) & ~ (uintptr_t)0x0...

Coding Practices which enable the compiler/optimizer to make a faster program

...act. Expect to be disappointed and to have to work very hard indeed for small performance improvements. Modern compilers for mature languages such as Fortran and C are very, very good. If you read an account of a 'trick' to get better performance out of code, bear in mind that the compiler writer...

How should a model be structured in MVC? [closed]

...understand MVC-like patterns in the context of PHP-based web applications. All the external links that are used in the content are there to explain terms and concepts, and not to imply my own credibility on the subject. The first thing that I must clear up is: the model is a layer. Second: there ...

VIM Replace word with contents of paste buffer?

... the one that'd get overwritten by the change command.) Registers are generally specified by typing " then the name (single character) of the register, like "ay then "ap to yank into register a, then put the contents of register a. Same goes for a change command. In this case, if you don't want the ...

TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

...> This is what the error message means: It says module object is not callable, because your code is calling a module object. A module object is the type of thing you get when you import a module. What you were trying to do is to call a class object within the module object that happens to have ...

How do I use valgrind to find memory leaks?

...o come to this question and are still new to Linux—you might have to install Valgrind on your system. sudo apt install valgrind # Ubuntu, Debian, etc. sudo yum install valgrind # RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, etc. Valgrind is readily usable for C/C++ code, but can even be used for other languages wh...

Visual Studio window which shows list of methods

...io, is there a window which shows list of methods in the active class? A small window like the Solution Explorer would be great. In Eclipse, there is one. ...

What does `:_*` (colon underscore star) do in Scala?

...tes: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, child: Node*) which is called as new Elem(prefix, label, attributes, scope, child1, child2, ... childN) but here there is only a sequence, not child1, child2, etc. so this allows the result sequence to be used as the input to the constru...