大约有 3,118 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0197秒) [XML]


How to assign text size in sp value using java code

... Since SP stands for scaled pixels you'll need to reduce the size by screen density. It's easily done as follows: SCREEN_DENSITY = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; yourView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, (desiredTextHeightInSP / SCREEN_DENSITY); – Pet...

Changing the status bar text color in splash screen iOS 7

... @Yasmin : to changer color AFTER the splash screen, this solution was already part of the question ;) – Vinzzz May 4 '15 at 17:01 ...

Window Height=“Auto” not working as expected

..."WidthAndHeight", If the size of content of window increases more than the screen size, window can overflow from screen. – Kylo Ren Apr 23 '16 at 18:00 ...

Paging UICollectionView by cells, not screen

...izontal scrolling and there are always 2 cells side-by-side per the entire screen. I need the scrolling to stop at the begining of a cell. With paging enabled, the collection view scrolls the whole page, which is 2 cells at once, and then it stops. ...

Have a div cling to top of screen if scrolled down past it [duplicate]

I have a div which, when my page is first loaded, is about 100px from the top (it holds some buttons etc. for the page). 4 ...

Put buttons at bottom of screen with LinearLayout?

...est solution becoz after that you cant set view at the center of remaining screen .........................so best solution award goes to this answer -stackoverflow.com/a/26140793/4741746 – sushant gosavi Mar 8 '17 at 10:08 ...

Controlling the screenshot in the iOS 7 multitasking switcher

...mation regarding the new multitasking switcher in iOS 7 and especially the screenshot that the OS takes when the app is going into hibernation. ...

How to display line numbers in 'less' (GNU)

... can also press = while less is open to just display (at the bottom of the screen) information about the current screen, including line numbers, with format: myfile.txt lines 20530-20585/1816468 byte 1098945/116097872 1% (press RETURN) So here for example, the screen was currently showing lines ...

Angularjs loading screen on ajax request

Using Angularjs , I need to show a loading screen (a simple spinner) until ajax request is complete. Please suggest any idea with a code snippet. ...

How to use ScrollView in Android?

I have an XML layout file, but the text is more than fits into the screen size. What do I need to do in order to make a ScrollView ? ...