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Create a symbolic link of directory in Ubuntu [closed]

... is a directory. It places a link to the first arg inside it. If you want /etc/nginx to be the symlink, you should remove that directory first and run that same command. share | improve this answer ...

nginx error “conflicting server name” ignored [closed]

...you're running a Linux, and you're using gEdit to edit your files. In the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled, it may have left a temp file e.g. default~ (watch the ~). Depending on your editor, the file could be named .save or something like it. Just run $ ls -lah to see which files are unintended to be the...

Linux编译安装软件configure参数(持续更新) - 开源 & Github - 清泛网 - ...

...: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/squid --sysconfdir=/usr/local/squid/etc --bindir=/usr/local/squid/bin \ --sbindir=/usr/local/squid/sbin --mandir=/usr/local/squid/share/man --enable-gnuregex --enable-carp \ --enable-async-io=80 --enable-removal-policies=heap,lru --enable-icmp --enable-delay-...

CentOS搭建sock5代理服务器(XEN VPS ) - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...ar.gz cd ss5-3.6.1 ./configure make make install #启动ss5服务 /etc/init.d/ss5 start 添加ss5到服务中,并随机启动 chkconfig --add ss5 chkconfig ss5 on ss5 默认使用1080端口,并允许任何人使用。 我们可以修改 /etc/opt/ss5/ss5.conf 中的 # SHos...

Linux下将Mysql和Apache加入到系统服务 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...到系统服务里面   cp usr local mysql share mysql mysql.server etc init.d mysqld  #把msql的脚本文件拷到系统的启动...MySQL加入到系统服务里面 cp /usr/local/mysql/share/mysql/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld #把msql的脚本文件拷到系统的启动目录下 ...

Linux iptables防火墙开放mysql、apache的端口 - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 ...

Linux iptables防火墙开放mysql、apache的端口vi etc sysconfig iptables 修改配置,添加两条tcp端口允许的记录:[root@iZ23rlmiwviZ ~] cat etc sysconfig iptables sample configuration for iptables service vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables 修改配置,添加两条tcp端口允许...

nginx 基础配置全攻略,入门这一篇就够了! - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C...

...ingfun.com$1 permanent; } # ssl证书地址 ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/www.tsingfun.com.pem; # pem文件的路径 ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/www.tsingfun.com.key; # key文件的路径 root /var/www/html; index index.html index.htm; location / { proxy_pass ...

C: Run a System Command and Get Output? [duplicate]

... want the "popen" function. Here's an example of running the command "ls /etc" and outputing to the console. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { FILE *fp; char path[1035]; /* Open the command for reading. */ fp = popen("/bin/ls /etc/"...

Can you run GUI applications in a Docker container?

... echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main universe" > /etc/apt/sources.list RUN apt-get update # Install vnc, xvfb in order to create a 'fake' display and firefox RUN apt-get install -y x11vnc xvfb firefox RUN mkdir ~/.vnc # Setup a password RUN x11vnc -storepass...

What is polymorphism, what is it for, and how is it used?

... import file) and then determining what type it is (Excel, CSV, YAML, SQL, etc. etc.). To do this one would need some sort of factory class for Class_Excel, Class_CSV to be called, or have a Reader class called. Either way, some sort of iterative if/then/else is going to have to be stored somewher...