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JavaScriptSerializer - JSON serialization of enum as string

...property, and upon serializing the object using JavaScriptSerializer , my json result contains the integer value of the enumeration rather than its string "name". Is there a way to get the enum as a string in my json without having to create a custom JavaScriptConverter ? Perhaps there's an ...

Get data from JSON file with PHP [duplicate]

I'm trying to get data from the following JSON file using PHP. I specifically want "temperatureMin" and "temperatureMax". 3...

I keep getting “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o”

... Looks like jQuery takes a guess about the datatype. It does the JSON parsing even though you're not calling getJSON()-- then when you try to call JSON.parse() on an object, you're getting the error. Further explanation can be found in Aditya Mittal's answer. ...

How do I get formatted JSON in .NET using C#?

I am using .NET JSON parser and would like to serialize my config file so it is readable. So instead of: 14 Answers ...

Loading and parsing a JSON file with multiple JSON objects

I am trying to load and parse a JSON file in Python . But I'm stuck trying to load the file: 3 Answers ...

Best practice for embedding arbitrary JSON in the DOM?

I'm thinking about embedding arbitrary JSON in the DOM like this: 7 Answers 7 ...

How to post JSON to a server using C#?

...WebRequest.Create("http://url"); httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; httpWebRequest.Method = "POST"; using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream())) { string json = "{\"user\":\"test\"," + "\"password\":\"bla\"}"; streamWriter.W...

Pass a PHP array to a JavaScript function [duplicate]

... Use JSON. In the following example $php_variable can be any PHP variable. <script type="text/javascript"> var obj = <?php echo json_encode($php_variable); ?>; </script> In your code, you could use like t...

How to convert hashmap to JSON object in Java

How to convert or cast hashmap to JSON object in Java, and again convert JSON object to JSON string? 29 Answers ...

Python: json.loads returns items prefixing with 'u'

I'll be receiving a JSON encoded string form Obj-C, and I am decoding a dummy string (for now) like the code below. My output comes out with character 'u' prefixing each item: ...