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What does a colon following a C++ constructor name do? [duplicate]

...ctor's signature is: MyClass(); This means that the constructor can be called with no parameters. This makes it a default constructor, i.e., one which will be called by default when you write MyClass someObject;. The part : m_classID(-1), m_userdata(0) is called initialization list. It is a way...

How to declare string constants in JavaScript? [duplicate]

... There's no constants in JavaScript, but to declare a literal all you have to do is: var myString = "Hello World"; I'm not sure what you mean by store them in a resource file; that's not a JavaScript concept. ...

Can't access object property, even though it shows up in a console log

...g)) and you will see the keys, or the state of the object at the time you called console.log. You will (usually) find the keys are being added after your console.log call. share | improve this answ...

Error: No default engine was specified and no extension was provided

...err }); lines in your code with: res.json({ error: err }) PS: People usually also have message in the returned object: res.status(err.status || 500); res.json({ message: err.message, error: err }); share | ...

What is a regular expression for a MAC Address?

...at" comes from Wikipedia, not the 802.3 standards body. IEEE 802-2014 actually specifies hyphens for ordinary MAC addresses (§ 8.1 ¶ 3) and colons for the obsolescent bit-reversed notation (¶ 4). Importantly, in practice, no one observes this. We simply use one or the other, but never mix them...

Adding new column to existing DataFrame in Python pandas

... because if you have multiple rows, and you use the assignment, it assigns all rows of the new column with that value ( in your case e) which is usually undesirable. – Paniz Apr 27 '19 at 22:42 ...

Getting rid of all the rounded corners in Twitter Bootstrap

...global modification for a very boxy-not-round site, which is to get rid of all the rounded corners in Bootstrap... 16 Answ...

How can I get a user's media from Instagram without authenticating as a user?

...1/users/<user-id>/media/recent/ (at present time of writing) you actually do not need OAuth access token. You can perform https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/[USER ID]/media/recent/?client_id=[CLIENT ID] [CLIENT ID] would be valid client id registered in app through manage clients (not relate...

What are attributes in .NET?

...ur objects/methods/properties. For example I might declare an Attribute called: DisplayOrder so I can easily control in what order properties should appear in the UI. I could then append it to a class and write some GUI components that extract the attributes and order the UI elements appropriately...

UTF-8 byte[] to String

... You can see in here the java.nio.charset.Charset.availableCharsets() map all the charsets not just the charsets in the StandardCharsets. And if you want to use some other charset and still want to prevent the String constructor from throwing UnsupportedEncodingException you may use java.nio.charse...