大约有 35,406 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0418秒) [XML]
php - get numeric index of associative array
answered Jul 29 '10 at 18:26
35.5k66 gold badges7777 silver badges9898 bronze badges
Make footer stick to bottom of page correctly [duplicate]
10 Answers
How to find out which package version is loaded in R?
...ty cluster. It has 2 versions of R installed. System wide R 2.11 (Debian 6.0) and R 2.14.2 in non-standard location.
12 An...
Set folder browser dialog start location
answered May 10 '09 at 0:39
10.7k44 gold badges3030 silver badges2929 bronze badges
Android Studio rendering problems
I'm using Android Studio 0.2.3 and when opened an activity layout normally, the preview should appear on the right side, so that I can switch between Text and Design mode, which should again show the preview of the layout.
List comprehension vs map
... map when using exactly the same function:
$ python -mtimeit -s'xs=range(10)' 'map(hex, xs)'
100000 loops, best of 3: 4.86 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s'xs=range(10)' '[hex(x) for x in xs]'
100000 loops, best of 3: 5.58 usec per loop
An example of how performance comparison gets completely r...
Curly braces in string in PHP
...echo "This is ${great}";
// Works
echo "This square is {$square->width}00 centimeters broad.";
// Works, quoted keys only work using the curly brace syntax
echo "This works: {$arr['key']}";
// Works
echo "This works: {$arr[4][3]}";
// This is wrong for the same reason as $foo[bar] is wrong...
Python mysqldb: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib
I just compiled and installed mysqldb for python 2.7 on my mac os 10.6. I created a simple test file that imports
15 Answe...
How do you specify a different port number in SQL Management Studio?
I am trying to connect to a Microsoft SQL 2005 server which is not on port 1433. How do I indicate a different port number when connecting to the server using SQL Management Studio?