大约有 15,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0149秒) [XML]


mysql_fetch_array()/mysql_fetch_assoc()/mysql_fetch_row()/mysql_num_rows etc… expects parameter 1 to

...been removed in php version 7. Check $result before passing it to mysql_fetch_array. You'll find that it's false because the query failed. See the mysql_query documentation for possible return values and suggestions for how to deal with them. $username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username'...

Best way to test for a variable's existence in PHP; isset() is clearly broken

...ng them as though they were. However, since they can be iterated, counted, etc, a missing value is not the same as one whose value is null. The answer in this case, is to use array_key_exists() instead of isset(). Since this is takes the array to check as a function argument, PHP will still raise ...

LINUX下用PHPIZE安装PHP GD扩展 - PHP - 清泛IT论坛,有思想、有深度

...ir --with-jpeg-dir --with-gd sudo make make install sudo vi /app/php5/etc/php.ini  //修改PHP配置文件 extension=gd.so  //添加这一行,重启PHP服务 --------------------------------------- 安装gd,加上参数重新编译php也可以解决。 http://bbs...

Algorithm to get the excel-like column name of a number

...recursive function (Based on zero indexed numbers, meaning 0 == A, 1 == B, etc)... function getNameFromNumber($num) { $numeric = $num % 26; $letter = chr(65 + $numeric); $num2 = intval($num / 26); if ($num2 > 0) { return getNameFromNumber($num2 - 1) . $letter; } else ...

PHP parse/syntax errors; and how to solve them

...yond the scope of this question (debugger, database connector, uml diagram etc.) IDE will save you time and will prevent more than just syntax errors. – Louis Loudog Trottier Mar 27 '17 at 4:48 ...

How to benchmark efficiency of PHP script

...ws to define steps in the code and reports time, memory usage, server load etc between two steps. Something like: $appgati->Step('1'); // Do some code ... $appgati->Step('2'); $report = $appgati->Report('1', '2'); print_r($report); Sample output array: Array ( ...

LINUX下用PHPIZE安装PHP GD扩展 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...ir --with-jpeg-dir --with-gd sudo make make install sudo vi /app/php5/etc/php.ini //修改PHP配置文件 extension=gd.so //添加这一行,重启PHP服务 --------------------------------------- 安装gd,加上参数重新编译php也可以解决。 https://www.tsingfun.com/it/te...

file_put_contents - failed to open stream: Permission denied

...s directory if it is chmodd'ed correctly. The other thing to do is echo "getcwd()". This will show you the current directory, and if this isn't '/something.../database/' then you'll need to change 'query.txt' to the full path for your server. ...

Convert SVG image to PNG with PHP

...css"> #CA,#FL,HI{ fill:blue; } #Al, #NY, #NM{ fill:#cc6699; } /*etc..*/ </style> and then you can do a single text replace to inject your css rules into the svg before proceeding with the imagick jpeg/png creation. If the colors don't change, check to make sure you don't have any ...

How to copy a file from one directory to another using PHP?

...iles to be copied to, to activate some function like delete, update, views etc. you can use something like this... I used this code in one of the complex project which I am currently busy on. i just build it myself because all answers i got on the internet was giving me an error. $dirPath1 = ...