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Using python's eval() vs. ast.literal_eval()?

... datamap = eval(raw_input('Provide some data here: ')) means that you actually evaluate the code before you deem it to be unsafe or not. It evaluates the code as soon as the function is called. See also the dangers of eval. ast.literal_eval ra...

Get exception description and stack trace which caused an exception, all as a string

... See the traceback module, specifically the format_exc() function. Here. import traceback try: raise ValueError except ValueError: tb = traceback.format_exc() else: tb = "No error" finally: print tb ...

How to identify platform/compiler from preprocessor macros?

... For Mac OS: #ifdef __APPLE__ For MingW on Windows: #ifdef __MINGW32__ For Linux: #ifdef __linux__ For other Windows compilers, check this thread and this for several other compilers and architectures. ...

Get __name__ of calling function's module in Python

....stack()[1] mod = inspect.getmodule(frm[0]) print '[%s] %s' % (mod.__name__, msg) share | improve this answer | follow | ...

How to find the installed pandas version

... Check pandas.__version__: In [76]: import pandas as pd In [77]: pd.__version__ Out[77]: '0.12.0-933-g281dc4e' Pandas also provides a utility function, pd.show_versions(), which reports the version of its dependencies as well: In [53]...

Cooler ASCII Spinners? [closed]

... even in random order http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/block/braille_patterns/images.htm share | improve this answer | follow | ...

NSLog the method name with Objective-C in iPhone

... print(__FUNCTION__) // Swift NSLog(@"%@", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)); // Objective-C Swift 3 and above print(#function) share | ...

os.path.dirname(__file__) returns empty

...get the dirname of the absolute path, use os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) share | improve this answer | follow | ...

How to watch for array changes?

...ods or the length property). function ObservableArray(items) { var _self = this, _array = [], _handlers = { itemadded: [], itemremoved: [], itemset: [] }; function defineIndexProperty(index) { if (!(index in _self)) { Object.defineProperty...

What does the “yield” keyword do?

...ou create the method of the node object that will return the generator def _get_child_candidates(self, distance, min_dist, max_dist): # Here is the code that will be called each time you use the generator object: # If there is still a child of the node object on its left # AND if the d...