大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0179秒) [XML]
Proper way to return JSON using node or Express
...(anObject, null, 3)
It's important that you set the Content-Type header to application/json, too.
var http = require('http');
var app = http.createServer(function(req,res){
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
res.end(JSON.stringify({ a: 1 }));
// > {...
iOS 7 status bar back to iOS 6 default style in iPhone app?
...the iOS 6 style status bar layout. The status bar will always overlap your application on iOS 7
Do not confuse status bar appearance with status bar layout. The appearance (light or default) does not affect how the status bar is laid out (frame/height/overlap). It is important to note as well that t...
How to debug a Flask app
... page? Or is there a more powerful option available to figure out what's happening when something goes wrong?
13 Answers
static files with express.js
If you have this setup
Then this should get what you wanted
var express = require('express');
//var server = express.createServer();
// express.createServer() is deprecated.
var server = express(); // better...
Enabling HTTPS on express.js
...key: privateKey, cert: certificate};
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
// your express configuration here
var httpServer = http.createServer(app);
var httpsServer = https.createServer(credentials, app);
In that way you prov...
Most Pythonic way to provide global configuration variables in config.py? [closed]
...so pass in additional defaults from your code. It also maps attribute and mapping style syntax to the same configuration object.
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编译失败! Error: Your build failed due to an error in the AAPT stage,...
[java] May 30, 2023 9:29:27 AM com.google.appinventor.buildserver.Compiler runAaptPackage
[java] WARNING: YAIL compiler - AAPT execution failed.
[java] May 30, 2023 9:29:27 AM com.google.appinventor.buildserver.Buil...
Specifying rails version to use when creating a new application
I found here an undocumented option to create a new application using an older version of Rails.
rails _2.1.0_ new myapp
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How to remove all of the data in a table using Django
1) For Deleting the table:
python manage.py dbshell
>> DROP TABLE {app_name}_{model_name}
2) For removing all data from table:
python manage.py shell
>> from {app_name}.models import {model_name}
>> {model_name}.objects.all().delete()
Equivalent to 'app.config' for a library (DLL)
Is there an equivalent to app.config for libraries (DLLs)? If not, what is the easiest way to store configuration settings that are specific to a library? Please consider that the library might be used in different applications.