大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0291秒) [XML]
Enabling HTTPS on express.js
...key: privateKey, cert: certificate};
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
// your express configuration here
var httpServer = http.createServer(app);
var httpsServer = https.createServer(credentials, app);
In that way you prov...
Most Pythonic way to provide global configuration variables in config.py? [closed]
...so pass in additional defaults from your code. It also maps attribute and mapping style syntax to the same configuration object.
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编译失败! Error: Your build failed due to an error in the AAPT stage,...
[java] May 30, 2023 9:29:27 AM com.google.appinventor.buildserver.Compiler runAaptPackage
[java] WARNING: YAIL compiler - AAPT execution failed.
[java] May 30, 2023 9:29:27 AM com.google.appinventor.buildserver.Buil...
Specifying rails version to use when creating a new application
I found here an undocumented option to create a new application using an older version of Rails.
rails _2.1.0_ new myapp
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How to remove all of the data in a table using Django
1) For Deleting the table:
python manage.py dbshell
>> DROP TABLE {app_name}_{model_name}
2) For removing all data from table:
python manage.py shell
>> from {app_name}.models import {model_name}
>> {model_name}.objects.all().delete()
Equivalent to 'app.config' for a library (DLL)
Is there an equivalent to app.config for libraries (DLLs)? If not, what is the easiest way to store configuration settings that are specific to a library? Please consider that the library might be used in different applications.
How to access app.config in a blueprint?
I am trying to access access application configuration inside a blueprint authorisation.py which in a package api. I am initializing the blueprint in __init__.py which is used in authorisation.py .
Best way to structure a tkinter application? [closed]
I advocate an object oriented approach. This is the template that I start out with:
# Use Tkinter for python 2, tkinter for python 3
import tkinter as tk
class MainApplication(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
Express-js can't GET my static files, why?
I've reduced my code to the simplest express-js app I could make:
16 Answers
How to move a model between two Django apps (Django 1.7)
...he structure, however now I am further along with Django it has started to appear that my project layout mainly my models are horrible in structure.