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PHP calculate age
This works fine.
//date in mm/dd/yyyy format; or it can be in other formats as well
$birthDate = "12/17/1983";
//explode the date to get month, day and year
$birthDate = explode("/", $birthDate);
//get age from date or birthdate...
Using usort in php with a class private function
Man this seems like such a weird way to do this. Oh PHP, how we love you.
– dudewad
Nov 28 '13 at 0:07
nginx - client_max_body_size has no effect
...etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf file)
Also, make certain that your server's php.ini file is consistent with these NGINX settings. In my case, I changed the setting in php.ini's File_Uploads section to read:
upload_max_filesize = 200M
Note: if you are managing an ISPconfig 3 setup (my setup is on...
Is == in PHP a case-sensitive string comparison?
I was unable to find this on php.net. Is the double equal sign ( == ) case sensitive when used to compare strings in PHP?
How do I use PHP namespaces with autoload?
...Class1 is not in the global scope.
See below for a working example:
function __autoload($class)
$parts = explode('\\', $class);
require end($parts) . '.php';
use Person\Barnes\David as MyPerson;
$class = new MyPerson\Class1();
Edit (2009-12-14):
Just to clarify, my usage...
Why does PHP 5.2+ disallow abstract static class methods?
After enabling strict warnings in PHP 5.2, I saw a load of strict standards warnings from a project that was originally written without strict warnings:
What exactly are late static bindings in PHP?
What exactly are late static bindings in PHP?
8 Answers
What is the function __construct used for?
__construct was introduced in PHP5 and it is the right way to define your, well, constructors (in PHP4 you used the name of the class for a constructor).
You are not required to define a constructor in your class, but if you wish to pass any parameters on...
PHP Session Security
What are some guidelines for maintaining responsible session security with PHP? There's information all over the web and it's about time it all landed in one place!