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Is Big O(logn) log base e?

...nary search tree type of data structures, I see the Big O notation is typically noted as O(logn). With a lowercase 'l' in log, does this imply log base e (n) as described by the natural logarithm? Sorry for the simple question but I've always had trouble distinguishing between the different impli...

FragmentPagerAdapter Exists Only In Android.Support.V4.App (and not Android.App)

...It's a FragmentPagerAdapter for non-support fragments. Android Studio Installation Please add follow Gradle dependencies dependencies { compile 'com.android.support:support-v13:+' } share | ...

Do I have to Close() a SQLConnection before it gets disposed?

Per my other question here about Disposable objects , should we call Close() before the end of a using block? 8 Answers ...

PhoneGap: Detect if running on desktop browser

...he 'desktop' and mobile versions. I want to be able to detect if PhoneGap calls will work (ie, is the user on a mobile device that will support PhoneGap). ...

How to write header row with csv.DictWriter?

...ion "functionality", I'd prefer to code it myself; that way you can report ALL "extras" with the keys and values, not just the first extra key. What is a real nuisance with DictWriter is that if you've verified the keys yourself as each dict was being built, you need to remember to use extrasaction=...

Why does “_” (underscore) match “-” (hyphen)?

...you are in a pattern context. e.g. inside a LIKE statement. When replacing all _ with an - : UPDATE sys_file set identifier = REPLACE(identifier, '_', '-') WHERE identifier LIKE '%\_%';. Notice the escaping inside LIKE and no escaping inside REPLACE. (I find it strange though that you are not in a p...

Stack smashing detected

... Stack Smashing here is actually caused due to a protection mechanism used by gcc to detect buffer overflow errors. For example in the following snippet: #include <stdio.h> void func() { char array[10]; gets(array); } int main(int argc,...

Getting the first character of a string with $str[0]

...am just not sure whether this is 'good practice', as that notation is generally used with arrays. This feature doesn't seem to be very well documented so I'm turning to you guys to tell me if it's all right – in all respects – to use this notation? ...

How to post data to specific URL using WebClient in C#

...s the garbage collector will clean up unmanaged resources and the like by calling the destructor (e.g., WebClient inherits from Component, which contains ~Component() {Dispose(false);}). The problem is that the garbage collector may take an arbitrarily long time to do so, since it does not account ...

What is the difference between char array and char pointer in C?

...char* and char[] are different types, but it's not immediately apparent in all cases. This is because arrays decay into pointers, meaning that if an expression of type char[] is provided where one of type char* is expected, the compiler automatically converts the array into a pointer to its first el...