大约有 3,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0480秒) [XML]


Accessing a Shared File (UNC) From a Remote, Non-Trusted Domain With Credentials

... const int ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS = 487; const int ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87; const int ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD = 1216; const int ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234; const int ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259; const int ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH = 1203; const int ERROR...

How to get HTTP Response Code using Selenium WebDriver

...".equals(method)) { JSONObject params = message.getJSONObject("params"); JSONObject response = params.getJSONObject("response"); String messageUrl = response.getString("url"); if (cu...

How to know user has clicked “X” or the “Close” button?

...Close Form event /// Do something /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void Form1_FormClosing(Object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { //In case windows is trying to shut down, don't hold t...

How to get function parameter names/values dynamically?

Is there a way to get the function parameter names of a function dynamically? 31 Answers ...

Handling click events on a drawable within an EditText

...tener { Drawable drawable; private int fuzz = 10; /** * @param keyword */ public RightDrawableOnTouchListener(TextView view) { super(); final Drawable[] drawables = view.getCompoundDrawables(); if (drawables != null && drawables.length == 4)...

How can I find out the current route in Rails?

...uri as "/my/test/path" To find out the route i.e. controller, action and params: path = ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path "/your/path/here/" # ...or newer Rails versions: # path = Rails.application.routes.recognize_path('/your/path/here') controller = path[:controller] action = p...

Set focus on TextBox in WPF from view model

...t;IsFocused</c> property value. /// </summary> /// <param name="element">The element.</param> /// <returns>Value of the <c>IsFocused</c> property or <c>null</c> if not set.</returns> public static bool? GetIsFocused(Dependen...

A better similarity ranking algorithm for variable length strings

... strings based on letter pair matches /// </summary> /// <param name="str1"></param> /// <param name="str2"></param> /// <returns>The percentage match from 0.0 to 1.0 where 1.0 is 100%</returns> public double CompareStrings(string str1, s...

Angular - ui-router get previous state

...ou're leaving): $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function (ev, to, toParams, from, fromParams) { //assign the "from" parameter to something }); share | improve this answer | ...

how can you easily check if access is denied for a file in .NET?

... of attempt and Sleep delay between attempts. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">The full file path to be opened</param> /// <param name="fileMode">Required file mode enum value(see MSDN documentation)</param> /// <param name="fileAccess">Required file acce...