大约有 46,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0350秒) [XML]
Does JavaScript have a method like “range()” to generate a range within the supplied bounds?
=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Character iteration
String.fromCharCode(...[...Array('D'.charCodeAt(0) - 'A'.charCodeAt(0) + 1).keys()].map(i => i + 'A'.charCodeAt(0)));
=> "ABCD"
for (const x of Array(5).keys()) {
How do I make an html link look like a button?
answered Apr 2 '09 at 15:06
28.2k1010 gold badges6161 silver badges7272 bronze badges
Undefined method 'task' using Rake 0.9.0
I just updated Rake to the latest version ( 0.9.0.beta.4 ) and the rake command ends up with the following error message:
How do I plot in real-time in a while loop using matplotlib?
... version of the code in question (requires at least version Matplotlib 1.1.0 from 2011-11-14):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.axis([0, 10, 0, 1])
for i in range(10):
y = np.random.random()
plt.scatter(i, y)
Note some of the changes...
How do I get an object's unqualified (short) class name?
6,15733 gold badges3030 silver badges3232 bronze badges
answered Nov 11 '13 at 15:09
How to draw a rounded Rectangle on HTML Canvas?
The HTML5 canvas doesn't provide a method to draw a rectangle with rounded corners.
How about u...
Remove insignificant trailing zeros from a number?
... first place since it was created as a Number, not a String.
var n = 1.245000
var noZeroes = n.toString() // "1.245"
improve this answer
In php, is 0 treated as empty?
...ollowing things are considered to be empty:
"" (an empty string)
0 (0 as an integer)
0.0 (0 as a float)
"0" (0 as a string)
array() (an empty array)
var $var; (a variable declared, but without a value in a class)
Note that this is exactly the same list as for a ...
How can I add a box-shadow on one side of an element?
...the box-shadow rule:
border: 1px solid #333;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
box-shadow: 10px 0 5px -2px #888;
<div class="myDiv"></div>
The fourth property there -2px is the shadow spread, you can use it to change the spread of the shadow, making it a...
Tricky Google interview question
... implementation of Dijkstra’s solution.
int main()
const int n = 20; // Generate the first n numbers
std::vector<int> v(n);
v[0] = 1;
int i2 = 0; // Index for 2
int i5 = 0; // Index for 5
int x2 = 2 * v[i2]; // Next two candidat...