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Does Qt support virtual pure slots?

... answered Jun 8 '10 at 14:43 ianmac45ianmac45 2,12822 gold badges1818 silver badges1313 bronze badges ...

Where do gems install?

... | edited Dec 13 '16 at 20:01 Avi Flax 45.1k99 gold badges4141 silver badges6161 bronze badges answered...

Sort a text file by line length including spaces

... Answer cat testfile | awk '{ print length, $0 }' | sort -n -s | cut -d" " -f2- Or, to do your original (perhaps unintentional) sub-sorting of any equal-length lines: cat testfile | awk '{ print length, $0 }' | sort -n | cut -d" " -f2- In both cases, we have solved...

Underscore: sortBy() based on multiple attributes

...dArray = _(patients).chain().sortBy(function(patient) { return patient[0].name; }).sortBy(function(patient) { return patient[0].roomNumber; }).value(); When the second sortBy finds that John and Lisa have the same room number it will keep them in the order it found them, which the first so...

Save modifications in place with awk

... 150 In GNU Awk 4.1.0 (released 2013) and later, it has the option of "inplace" file editing: [...] ...

How to differentiate between time to live and time to idle in ehcache

...idated if it hasn't been requested for 4 seconds. If timeToLiveSeconds = 90, then the object will be removed from cache after 90 seconds, even if it has been requested few milliseconds in the 90th second of its short life. ...

Maven Snapshot Repository vs Release Repository

... development. A Snapshot artifact has both a version number such as “1.3.0” or “1.3” and a timestamp. For example, a snapshot artifact for commons-lang 1.3.0 might have the name commons-lang-1.3.0-20090314.182342-1.jar. Taken from refcard ...

Python: Select subset from list based on index set

... answered Jul 5 '10 at 11:32 kennytmkennytm 451k9292 gold badges980980 silver badges958958 bronze badges ...

Explain the use of a bit vector for determining if all characters are unique

... 103 int checker is used here as a storage for bits. Every bit in integer value can be treated as a ...

What's the best way to get the last element of an array without deleting it?

... share my findings with you, benchmarked against PHP versions 5.6.38, 7.2.10 and 7.3.0RC1 (expected Dec 13 2018). The options (<<option code>>s) I will test are: option .1. $x = array_values(array_slice($array, -1))[0]; (as suggested by rolacja) option .2. $x = array_slice($array, -1)...