大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0469秒) [XML]
When should I use the Visitor Design Pattern? [closed]
...want to make the fewest possible modifications to it.
The Visitor pattern allows you to move each new operation in a suitable class, and you need to extend the hierarchy's interface only once. Let's do it. First, we define an abstract operation (the "Visitor" class in GoF) which has a method for ev...
Splitting templated C++ classes into .hpp/.cpp files--is it possible?
...the implementation of a template class in a separate cpp file and compile. All the ways to do so, if anyone claims, are workarounds to mimic the usage of separate cpp file but practically if you intend to write a template class library and distribute it with header and lib files to hide the implemen...
Markdown open a new window link [duplicate]
... common features of HTML. One of its best features is that you can always fallback to the full syntax for HTML. This includes doing things that aren't included in markdown. Personally, I like that markdown is concise and includes very little fluff. It makes it easier to learn the whole set of short...
Google Maps API v3: How to remove all markers?
In Google Maps API v2, if I wanted to remove all the map markers, I could simply do:
31 Answers
ASP.NET MVC: What is the purpose of @section? [closed]
@section is for defining a content are override from a shared view. Basically, it is a way for you to adjust your shared view (similar to a Master Page in Web Forms).
You might find Scott Gu's write up on this very interesting.
Edit: Based on additional question clarification
The @RenderSection...
How can jQuery deferred be used?
... // or may not have been retrieved using an
// XHR request.
Basically, if the value has already been requested once before it's returned immediately from the cache. Otherwise, an AJAX request fetches the data and adds it to the cache. The $.when/.then doesn't care about any of this; all ...
Installing Python 3 on RHEL
I'm trying to install python3 on RHEL using the following steps:
19 Answers
What is the definition of “interface” in object oriented programming
... one of the more overloaded and confusing terms in development.
It is actually a concept of abstraction and encapsulation. For a given "box", it declares the "inputs" and "outputs" of that box. In the world of software, that usually means the operations that can be invoked on the box (along with ar...
How to get Linux console window width in Python
Is there a way in python to programmatically determine the width of the console? I mean the number of characters that fits in one line without wrapping, not the pixel width of the window.
How to convert ActiveRecord results into an array of hashes
...d objects to Ruby Hashes despite its name
tasks_records = TaskStoreStatus.all
tasks_records = tasks_records.as_json
# You can now add new records and return the result as json by calling `to_json`
tasks_records << TaskStoreStatus.last.as_json
tasks_records << { :task_id => 10, :sto...