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Validate that a string is a positive integer

... 302 Two answers for you: Based on parsing Regular expression Note that in both cases, I've inte...

How to configure PostgreSQL to accept all incoming connections

... Just use host all all md5 Make sure the listen_addresses in postgresql.conf (or ALTER SYSTEM SET) allows incoming connections on all available IP interfaces. listen_addres...

what does -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); exactly do? Apply to body?

what does -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); exactly do? Does it have any performance issues? Should I just apply it to the body or individual elements? It seems to improve scroll events drastically. ...

【精心整理】【实用】visual C++中最常用的类与API函数 - C/C++ - 清泛网 -...

...立一个CArchive对象 CArchive(CFile* pFile,UINT nMode,int nBufSize=4096,void* lpBuf=NULL); 参数:pFile 指向CFile对象的指针,这个CFile对象是数据的最终源或目的; nMode是标志,取值为CArchive::load时,从文档中加载数据(要求CFile读许可),取值...

Create an empty list in python with certain size

... want to create an empty list (or whatever is the best way) that can hold 10 elements. 15 Answers ...

Why is it slower to iterate over a small string than a small list?

... TL;DR The actual speed difference is closer to 70% (or more) once a lot of the overhead is removed, for Python 2. Object creation is not at fault. Neither method creates a new object, as one-character strings are cached. The difference is unobvious, but is likely created f...

How to make Twitter bootstrap modal full screen

...d this in Bootstrap 3 with the following code: .modal-dialog { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .modal-content { height: auto; min-height: 100%; border-radius: 0; } In general, when you have questions about spacing / padding issues, try right+clicking (or cmd+cl...

Truncate number to two decimal places without rounding

...eform.rounded var with2Decimals = num.toString().match(/^-?\d+(?:\.\d{0,2})?/)[0] rounded.value = with2Decimals } <form onsubmit="return calc(this)"> Original number: <input name="original" type="text" onkeyup="calc(form)" onchange="calc(form)" /> <br />"Rounded" numb...

Why doesn't Python have a sign function?

...cause they didn't agree on what it should return in all the edge cases (+/-0, +/-nan, etc) So they decided to implement only copysign, which (although more verbose) can be used to delegate to the end user the desired behavior for edge cases - which sometimes might require the call to cmp(x,0). I...

汇编常用寄存器及指令基础总结 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

汇编常用寄存器及指令基础总结8086汇编常用寄存器数据寄存器AH&AL=AX:累加寄存器,常用于运算BH&BL=BX:基址寄存器,常用于地址索引CH&CL=CX:计数寄存器,常用于计数DH...8086汇编常用寄存器 数据寄存器 AH&AL=AX:累加寄存器,...