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How to make a phone call in android and come back to my activity when the call is done?

..._OFFHOOK to PHONE_STATE_IDLE again) and then write some code to bring your app back up on the IDLE state. you may need to run the listener in a service to ensure it stays up and your app is restarted. some example code: EndCallListener callListener = new EndCallListener(); TelephonyManager mTM ...

How do I print a list of “Build Settings” in Xcode project?


Programmatically Request Access to Contacts

...ook no longer works. I believe this is a permission related problem, since Apple now requires user permission before accessing contacts (fixing this issue). ...

How to serve an image using nodejs

..., the question is how to serve an image and an answer to that is to use an appropriate module to do that in a secure, preformant and reliable way that is readable, maintainable and future-proof while using the best practice of professional Node development. But I agree that a great addition to such ...

Advances social tools app with cool UI - Koded Apps - Kodular Community

... background-color: #ffffff; } #d-splash .preloader-text-wrapper { color: #000000; } } /* then deal with dark scheme */ @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { html { background-color: #ffffff; } #d-splash .preloader-text-wrapper { ...

AngularJS: Service vs provider vs factory

...emo " Hello world " example with factory / service / provider: var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []); //service style, probably the simplest one myApp.service('helloWorldFromService', function() { this.sayHello = function() { return "Hello, World!"; }; }); //factor...

How to write iOS app purely in C

...er, neither can we give the full function declaration, like this: // int UIApplicationMain (int argc, char *argv[], NSString *principalClassName, NSString *delegateClassName); // So, we rely on the fact that for both the i386 & ARM architectures, // the registers for parameters passed in remain...

What is an 'endpoint' in Flask?

... (typically, the "view function"). Your basic view is defined like this: @app.route('/greeting/<name>') def give_greeting(name): return 'Hello, {0}!'.format(name) Note that the function you referred to (add_url_rule) achieves the same goal, just without using the decorator notation. The...

phonegap open link in browser

...the above code to open the link in the browser but it opens it in the same app...... how to open it safari browser? 12 Ans...

Converting string from snake_case to CamelCase in Ruby

...o get an actual class, you should use String#constantize on top of that. "app_user".camelize.constantize share | improve this answer | follow | ...