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How to set environment variables in Jenkins?

... > Manage Plugins and install the plugin. Go to your job Configure screen Find Add build step in Build section and select Inject environment variables Set the desired environment variable as VARIABLE_NAME=VALUE pattern. In my case, I changed value of USERPROFILE variable If you need to d...

Display numbers with ordinal suffix in PHP

...it's quite done. At least all numbers from 1 to 150 print out nicely on my screen. – Paul Jun 24 '10 at 14:02 Looks go...

How do you remove all the options of a select box and then add one option and select it with jQuery?

...sing the above jQuery methods would clear the select in the DOM but not on screen. Using the IE Developer Toolbar I could confirm that the select had been cleared and had the new items, but visually the select still showed the old items - even though you could not select them. The fix was to use st...

What is the purpose of “android.intent.category.DEFAULT”?

...k activities that begin new tasks and that are represented on the launcher screen. They can include "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" in the list of categories, but don't need to.) share | improve ...

UINavigationBar Hide back Button Text

... If you do not have navigation bar in your screen, maybe because it needs to be hidden, you can add navigation item in storyboard, to previous view controller and set its back button to " ". – Martin Berger Jul 2 '17 at 9:36 ...

Android 4.3 menu item showAsAction=“always” ignored

...e. I converted all my 100+ menus to use a custom namespace and 1 stinkin' screen still wasn't working...turns out that 1 activity was using "new MenuInflater" instead of getMenuInflater(). Thanks a ton! – DiscDev Dec 15 '15 at 19:02 ...

Where does 'Hello world' come from?

...n the book "The C Programming Language" was to print "hello world!" on the screen. Since then it is used as the first program to introduce the basic details of a programming language. share | impro...

How to do ToString for a possibly null object?

... "" : value.ToString(); } } The following would write nothing to the screen and would not thrown an exception: string value = null; Console.WriteLine(value.ToStringOrEmpty()); share | ...

How to create PDFs in an Android app? [closed]

...with the desired xml layout. You can then open this dummy activity, take a screenshot programmatically and convert that image to pdf using this library. Of course there are limitations such as not being able to scroll, not more than one page,but for a limited application this is quick and easy. Hope...

Copy / Put text on the clipboard with FireFox, Safari and Chrome

... delete the textArea. In most cases this textArea wont even flash onto the screen. For security reasons, browsers will only allow you copy if a user takes some kind of action (ie. clicking a button). One way to do this would be to add an onClick event to a html button that calls a method which cop...