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How do I Convert DateTime.now to UTC in Ruby?

...DateTime and not Time? Time should include everything you need: irb(main):016:0> Time.now => Thu Apr 16 12:40:44 +0100 2009 share | improve this answer | follow ...

How to get JSON objects value if its name contains dots?

... What you want is: var smth = mydata.list[0]["points.bean.pointsBase"][0].time; In JavaScript, any field you can access using the . operator, you can access using [] with a string version of the field name. ...

Styling text input caret

... the format with CSS. input, textarea { font-size: 24px; padding: 10px; color: red; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #000; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; } input::-webkit-input-placeholder, textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: text-shadow: none; -webkit-t...

How do I install ASP.NET MVC 5 in Visual Studio 2012?

Is there a way to install ASP.NET MVC 5 in Visual Studio 2012? 11 Answers 11 ...

Increase distance between text and title on the y-axis

... From ggplot2 2.0.0 you can use the margin = argument of element_text() to change the distance between the axis title and the numbers. Set the values of the margin on top, right, bottom, and left side of the element. ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hw...

How do I create a random alpha-numeric string in C++?

... +100 Mehrdad Afshari's answer would do the trick, but I found it a bit too verbose for this simple task. Look-up tables can sometimes do w...

How to convert a NumPy array to PIL image applying matplotlib colormap

...st ensure your NumPy array, myarray, is normalised with the max value at 1.0. Apply the colormap directly to myarray. Rescale to the 0-255 range. Convert to integers, using np.uint8(). Use Image.fromarray(). And you're done: from PIL import Image from matplotlib import cm im = Image.fromarray(np....

Restart/undo conflict resolution in a single file

... answered Jan 19 '13 at 0:18 Alex KraussAlex Krauss 6,96144 gold badges2020 silver badges2626 bronze badges ...

Why does Sql Server keep executing after raiserror when xact_abort is on?

... | edited Oct 10 '13 at 20:25 Ian Boyd 211k216216 gold badges774774 silver badges10851085 bronze badges ...

How does zip(*[iter(s)]*n) work in Python?

... answered Feb 9 '10 at 23:15 Ignacio Vazquez-AbramsIgnacio Vazquez-Abrams 668k127127 gold badges11911191 silver badges12501250 bronze badges ...